Who is God?
God is the creator of all things. He was not born and will never die. He is not subject to time. He exist outside of everything we know to exist. There was no time before him. He isn't affected by time, space or matter. Nothing was created without him. By his word everything was created. Read Genesis for God's recap of the beginning. God is a spirit being, he doesn't have flesh like we do. He doesn't sleep or get tired. He is everywhere at once. He knows all, sees all, and he is all powerful. There is no power greater or equal to his.God is Love
God is love. He's full of mercy and grace for his children. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life. God's will for us all is to have eternal life with him. Through Adam, sin entered the world and caused us to be separated from God. God is holy so he cannot be in the presence of sin. The penalty of sin is death and there is no remission of sin without blood so he sent his son to do what we couldn't because we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.(Romans 3:23) All of us like sheep have gone astray , each of us has turned to his own way; But God has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Jesus.(Isaiah 53:6) Even though mankind has turned from God in so many ways he still loves us and pleads with us to come to him.
Attributes of his Spirit
Kindness, Meekness, Long suffering, Just, Self-Control, Patient, Gentle, Good, Joy, Peace
God is unchanging, His word stands, He doesn't rewrite it, His word is life to our being. He sent his word to teach, rebuke, correct and train us in righteousness. He is holy, there is no sin in him. There is no darkness around him. He is also a God of judgment. Eccl 12:14 For God will every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing whether good or bad. Our thought, motives, actions and words will all be accounted for. He even knows every hair on our head. He is amazing, almighty, magnificent, and though him we have our being.