Friday, February 22, 2019

God isn't a Religion: He is our Creator

Image result for god is not a religionGod isn't a religion. Many are turning from God because of religion. We are putting the two together and it should not be so. God stands alone, he can't in any way be put in a box. Religion can. God isn't an institution of belief or organized system based on man. If no one believed in God he still would be God. God doesn't exist based on our belief in him.

Who is God?

God is the creator of all things. He was not born and will never die. He is not subject to time. He exist outside of everything we know to exist. There was no time before him. He isn't affected by time, space or matter. Nothing was created without him. By his word everything was created. Read Genesis for God's recap of the beginning. God is a spirit being, he doesn't have flesh like we do. He doesn't sleep or get tired. He is everywhere at once. He knows all, sees all, and he is all powerful. There is no power greater or equal to his.

God is Love

God is love. He's full of mercy and grace for his children. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life. God's will for us all is to have eternal life with him. Through Adam, sin entered the world and caused us to be separated from God. God is holy so he cannot be in the presence of sin. The penalty of sin is death and there is no remission of sin without blood so he sent his son to do what we couldn't because we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.(Romans 3:23) All of us like sheep have gone astray , each of us has turned to his own way; But God has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Jesus.(Isaiah 53:6) Even though mankind has turned from God in so many ways he still loves us and pleads with us to come to him. 

Attributes of his Spirit

Kindness, Meekness, Long suffering, Just, Self-Control, Patient, Gentle, Good, Joy, Peace
God is unchanging, His word stands, He doesn't rewrite it, His word is life to our being. He sent his word to teach, rebuke, correct and train us in righteousness.  He is holy, there is no sin in him. There is no darkness around him. He is also a God of judgment. Eccl 12:14 For God will every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing whether good or bad. Our thought, motives, actions and words will all be accounted for. He even knows every hair on our head. He is amazing, almighty, magnificent, and though him we have our being. 
Image result for god is not a religionImage result for god is not a religionDon't allow anyone to put God in a box through religion. It is very important to read your Bible, Pray without ceasing and fast. Always equip yourself with the Armor of God Ephesians ch.6. The only way to God is through Jesus Christ. There is no belief in God without believing in his son. It is Jesus blood that justifies us. Don't listen to people who say there are many paths to God. It is not. This is a lie from satan because he wants to steal, kill and destroy you. This has been his plan from the beginning. He knows if he can keep you from Jesus, he has kept you from God because there is no other way. God is not a religion, he is the first and the last, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. HE IS THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS. Colossians 1:16 For in him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers and authorities. All things were created through him and for him.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Nag Hammadi Scriptures: Should they be apart of a Christian's Library?

Image result for nag hammadi scrollsThis is an age of Knowledge. Everyone wants to "Know" and be aware of all things. The Bible speaks of a time such as this. Dan 12:4  But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. I believe we live in that time Jesus warned Daniel about. Knowledge increases daily and they're coming up with new ways to make even more knowledge accessible. You can find yourself with a case of knowledge overload. As a believer in Christ we must test everything by the spirit. We can't just run and pick up any and everything. I've stated before that I read and watch documentaries that others wouldn't because of the calling on my life. Nevertheless, I don't advise many to do the same. These different things can shatter your faith into pieces if you are not grounded. My calling is to teach and make believers aware of what God requires of us and the schemes of the enemy. I never study anything without praying and making sure I'm asking for God's revelation knowledge. I don't want knowledge from anything ungodly. This will happpen if you don't cover yourself through prayer. You will be deceived out of your inheritance just like Eve in the Garden of Eden. Daily I'm asking God if there is anything I need to strip or release to have a closer walk with him. I don't want anything blocking my communication with him. Discernment is very important in these end times.

What are the Nag Hammadi Scriptures?

Image result for christians against nag hammadi scrolls
These writings were found in 1945 in Nag Hammadi Eygpt. They are also called early Christian Gnostic gospels. They have the gospel of Thomas, Peter, the origin of creation, etc. just to name a few. The creation story is totally different from what we believe. It states that the mother god Sophia is the almighty god and that our God is ignorant because he doesn't know that she is above him. It also states that she bore our God, which would mean he has a beginning of days. This is not true. It states that he did create the earth which made him arrogant and because of that he wanted everything to worship him (also not true). The Nag Hammadi goes on to say more about our God but you get the picture. In addition, it also depicts Jesus totally different. It says that he was closer to his women devotees vs. the 12 disciples. The Gnostics and Mystics often push the mother goddess. It's no different here. These scriptures have no place on your shelves unless God instructs you to read them. They are completely different from the Holy Bible. The Bible doesn't contradict itself. Scripture interprets scripture. Just like today there were groups who wrote their own gospels and made religions to suit their lifestyles. Historians don't believe Thomas and Peter actually wrote these by the way.  These texts simply show there is nothing new under the sun. The devil has been lying and deceiving since the beginning. This is one of his deception tactics to confuse the body. He wants to steal, kill and destroy us spiritually. He wants to strip us of our inheritance from the father through our faith in Jesus. Our faith is credited to us as righteousness just like Abraham, if we lose faith we lose righteousness and only the righteous will see God. The devil is clever but our God knows all , sees all and has all power. He doesn't leave us ignorant and defenseless. This is why he has certain individuals in the body to study and  reveal this to us, to make his children aware of the coming deception. 
Image result for what is mysticismImage result for gnosticism
 I have these two here because they go hand in hand. Gnosticism is a modern name for a variety of ancient religious ideas and systems, originating in Jewish-Christian( don't let the word Christian trick you) milieux in the first and second century AD. Gnosticism comes from the Greek: gnosis which means knowledge. Some religions and sects mostly in the few hundred years before and after Jesus are said to be gnostic or practice gnosticism. In Their beliefs they constructed an evil God and beings of the Old Testament to explain the ​creation of the world (matter) and considered Jesus Christ a wholly spiritual God. They also believe we are all gods. We must look within for the answers not above.  In Mysticism , they learn that there is a higher, holistic reality. This reality can be understood as a higher consciousness that encompasses everything and permeates everything. This is where Yoga, Terot cards, spirit guides, ect. come in. Yes I said Yoga. This is what the New Age teachings are all about, gnosticism and mysticism . I will go more in depth about New Age teachings in a later blog. 

What Should We do?

Take the advice of Paul Colossians 2:4,8,10 (4)And this I say, lest any man should beguile (deceive) you with enticing words. (8)Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments(elementary religious teachings coming from the world) of this world, and not after Christ. (10)For we are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power. 2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. I believe we are in the endtimes. They are no longer coming, they are here. We have a lot ahead of us as believers in Christ. We must pray without ceasing, Read the Holy scriptures, Hold fast to what is good and abstain from all forms of evil (1 thessalonians 5:17,21,22)

When Did It Become Cool To Worship The Devil

 I've been noticing a rise in the "I'm with satan" culture. Many music artists are making videos dressed in satan garb. Ma...