Sometimes this is what we have to say to our mind
(Peace Be Still). With all that's going on it will have your mind in knots.
In the Bible God gives numerous scriptures on PEACE. Why does he do that? I believe because it is important for us to know that we can have peace even in the midst of chaos. This is obtainable but we first must know how to obtain it. In Psalms 34:14 it says to turn away from evil and do good,
seek peace and pursue it, the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears is attentive to our cry. This scripture is also in 1Peter which tells me this scripture is important. When I read this I looked up the difference between seek and pursue.
Seek- 1 attempt to find 2. attempt or desire to obtain 3. ask for
Pursue- 1. follow in order to catch 2. continue or proceed along a path or route
When I put them together the message I get is that I should have a desire to have peace. Therefore I will attempt to find it by asking God for it. Once I do that I should follow his ways in order to obtain and and keep it. The Bible also says that God will keep me in perfect peace because my mind is on him ☝ because I trust him ( Isaiah 26:3-4). When I read this then I had the answer to how to find peace and pursue it. It is simply keeping my mind on God and trusting him with my life.

Evil will always be in the world because satan is the god of this world. He keeps people fighting against each other. He keeps the mind dumbed down with technology and television. He puffs up the minds of people with deceitful rhetoric. He is the father of lies and he works through media, government, schools, churches( yes churches), etc. Wherever he is given an opening he steps in and pounces. Now don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying church is evil. I'm saying many churches have fallen because of satan having an opening and pouncing through sin which is ultimately causing death to many churches. Many are falling away from the faith because of his deceitfulness. This is why it is extremely important to keep our mind on God. We must know that in the end EVERY KNEE WILL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS THAT JESUS IS LORD! We must stay in Gods word because it is what keeps us grounded and sane in this mess of a world that we live in. THE FATHER OF WICKEDNESS WILL HAVE HIS DAY. There is no need to worry about that. I know it is easier said than done sometimes but this is only when we take our mind off GOD and put it on what we see around us.

I often find myself heavy when I take my mind of God. I see things happening around me and I become sad just like many of you. Nevertheless, that is not Gods will for you nor me. God wants us to rejoice in all things knowing that he is in control even when it seems otherwise. Our job is to always pray about everything that we see out of place. He is the one with all power, he is the one who created the heavens and the earth, he has infinite wisdom and power that surpasses our intellect. Therefore he qualifies to take upon our cares on his shoulders. We must never forget that we are not alone in this. God loved us so much he sent his son to die for our sins while we were yet still in them. I can't say that I would have done the same. God is AWESOME and he still sits on the throne with JESUS at his right side. We must rejoice, pray, and give thanks while keeping our mind on the one who can give us peace. God reminded me of this today and I wanted to share with anyone who may be saddened by what they see daily.

SEEK, PURSUE AND HOLD ON TO GOD WITH A TIGHT GRIP. Remember Heaven and Earth will pass away but his word will always stand. His word is firmly fixed in the Heavens. Walk in Gods peace. Be blessed my sisters and brothers in the Lord.