Many believers are relaxed and idle. We just go to church on Sunday and Wednesday and we don't minister to anyone throughout the week. We see people hurting, spiritually dying and in despair and walk by without a care. God is calling for US to repent because we are not doing our job. We are here on earth to bring the kingdom of God. This is the message Jesus carried everyday. His heart was to please the father. The father heart was for the world, to save them out of sin. He wanted to save their souls to give them hope and a future. He wanted to justify them so that they could be in his presence. God so loves his workmanship that he sent his son to be the perfect final sacrifice to redeem the world back to him. Nevertheless, this is a mystery to many. They are in the dark and it is our (believers) job to be that light that illuminates Christ in their lives. Paul said in Romans How shall they call on whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in of whom they have not heard? It is time for us to turn our ear to God and inquire of him what he wants. We preach messages that are not of God. We prophesy false prophesies lying on God. We cause people to doubt him because of our disobedience. I never want to be the cause of a soul going to eternal torment. I want to be a daughter that my father is pleased with. I want people to see the light of Jesus flowing through me and not the darkness of the world. I want to fulfil my fathers business here on earth. Many of us don't even truly know our father the most high God. We don't spend any time with him. How can you know someone who you never talk to. We are laxed in our prayers, fasting, reading the Word and carrying the Gospel. Many of us are weak ambassadors right now because we are not looking like the Kingdom of God. Instead it seems our alliance lies with the world.
We must prepare for the coming of the Lord. First and foremost the Church of God has to repent. You may say for what? I'm a believer. Repentance isn't only for the sinner. Whenever you have taken your eyes off God and put them elsewhere, you must repent. The word for repentance in Greek is Metanoia and it means a change of mind, a change in the inner man. We often have to go through a mind transformation. When our mind is transformed it renews us Romans 12:2. We have allowed ourselves to be over taken by life here on earth. We've forgotten about the lost souls. We've forgotten about our mandate from Jesus to take the Gospel to the world. When Jesus prayed in John 17 he prayed that we would be one that the world may know that God sent him through our words. He also said in John 14 that we should do the works that he did and even greater because he was leaving. How many of us can say that we are doing the works Jesus did. We are not saved from sin to be selfish. Our job is to grab as many as we can along the way that God may make the increase. We must have a change of mind and a care for the world as God cares for it. He left us here for a purpose, are we fulfilling it. Are we prepared for his coming? Are we prepared to endure the tribulation before he returns? Do we have the Word hidden in our hearts? Are we consecrating ourselves? Are we battling in the spirit? Do we have our full armor on in Ephesians 6? Are we prepared for his coming and are we preparing others along the way.
It is important in this season that we draw near to God. We can't survive in our own will and power. We need the power of God. The only way we can do what Jesus did is through his power. We must ignite the Holy Spirit that we have so often quenched. Ask God to fill you with his fire. Ask him for a new stronger relationship and do your part to make that happen. Pursue him, knock and the door will be open, seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given. It is time to fast and pray and go before the throne of God. Inquire of God what he would have you do in this season. We all have a part in the body. God made each of us with a purpose hidden in Christ that would fulfil his purpose. He equipped us with gifts that we may do good works. It is time for God's bride to stand up and be counted. I tip my hat to my brothers and sisters that are out there doing the work of the Lord. Continue in the strength of the Lord and know that your work isn't in vain. It will accomplish God's will.