Sunday, May 22, 2022

Mental Hygiene: The Mind of the Matter


"The mind is hungry. The mind wants to be good, we get so many negative thoughts in our mind, it's almost overwhelming to be positive." Mike Tyson

    Before I begin, this article isn't about mental illness or disorders. This article is about how to keep a healthy mind in an evil world as a believer and why it is important.  I recently watched an interview with Mike Tyson and this quote stuck out to me when he said this. We are bombarded with hundreds, maybe even thousands of thoughts and messages within a days span. We are over loading on messages from social media: Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Then the news media is sending messages of what's going on in the world around us. Then we have our family, friends, coworkers, etc. Then we have ourselves to deal with as our own thoughts begin to flow. Our mind is processing so much on a daily basis. What's even worse is that most of what we process is negative or unrighteous. This brings me back to Mike Tyson's quote. It's almost as if negativity and wickedness is the new "normal" and to live a Godly life is almost impossible. This is where Mental Hygiene plays very important role in keeping our mind healthy and clean.

The Mind: The Center of the Soul

The mind is very complex. This is our soul center where our mind, Will and emotions function. Our soul is who we are and this is the part of us that God sent his son to save. This is also the part of us that the adversary wants to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10).  Our soul receives information through our body from our senses: Touch, Taste, Sight, Hearing and Smell. Through our mind is where we make decisions through using our Will. The Will is very powerful because it gives us the ability to choose right or wrong. What comes through our senses through our body is what influences those decisions. I believe this is why God wanted to guard us in the Garden of Eden. God wasn't deceiving Adam and Eve, he was protecting them from evil/bad/wrong. If all that comes in through your senses is good, you don't have to protect your mind/soul because no negativity is coming through. Nevertheless, once mankind was deceived the Spiritual Warfare began. Now we have to fight to keep our mind/soul pure because negativity and wickedness is at an all time high and we must stay on guard. The Bible tells us in 1Peter 5:8-9 Be sober, be vigilant (watchful). Then Peter goes on to us why it's important to be clear minded and watchful. Peter says our adversary the devil is like a roaring lion that walketh about seeking whom he may devour. Lions actually don't go for the strong, they look for the weak, alone and sick animals. They look for those that are not alert and easy to take down. These are the instructions that the kingdom of darkness has been given to take us down if possible. How do we keep that from happening?

Godly Mental Hygiene

Great News!!! God has given us all the tools we need to keep our mind/soul from being corrupt by the wickedness in this world :) Now listen even though God has given us the tools, we must be mindful to use them. Paul tells us to not conform to the world systems but allow God to renew our mind to be changed into who God made us to be. Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God . Conformed in the Greek means to assume a certain form or figure. To conform your mind and character to another pattern. Social Media is telling us who we should be, but this is not who God said we should be. Millions are struggling with their identity because of what they allow to go through their eye and ear gates. Now they are confused because they know they should do one thing but social media says different. Not only that but it seems that everyone agrees with it and that's where the struggle comes in at. Do Not change to what the world says is right because it's not. Always search the Word/Holy Scriptures to see what God says. Remember our mind is where decisions are made. This is why it is vital that we allow God to continuously renew our mind through sanctification of his Word and through Prayer. We can't walk in God's Will if our mind is aligned with the world's Will. Transform in this scripture means change of moral character for the better. To change after being with God. This renewal is only achieved by God's power. God does a complete change in us when we turn to him through his son Jesus Christ. 

Mental Self Care

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
God tells us what type of things to keep our mind on. Below is some changes you can make to so some mental Spring Cleaning :)
  • First and Foremost, Repent(turn from the world's systems and evil desires and look to God and choose him)
  • If you have not already done so, get baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit
  • Read your Bible daily. If possible in the morning and before bed.
  • Pray daily: Whenever God crosses your mind talk to him
  • Choose television programming wisely
  • Unplug from all Social Media at least twice a week to give your mind a break
  • Make better choices when following people on Social Media. 
  • Most music is filled with sex, drugs, demonic messages and murder, so filter the music you listen to
  • Do not forsake the assembly of the believers. It is strength in numbers. Filter the people you talk to on a daily basis. It is important to converse with like minded people.
  • Be sober/clear minded. Stay away from intoxication and mind altering drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

In Conclusion,

It's difficult sometimes as a believer living in an evil world. When we see all the madness that is happening it can be discouraging at times. Let's be honest, we are human and we have emotions. God knows this. He created us to care about the world like he does, but we can't get entangled in it. We can't follow what everyone else is doing. We must stand out and be different because we are different. If we follow the instructions of the Bible our mind will stay in a spiritually healthy state. Isaiah 26:3 thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is                                                                                    stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.


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