Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Giving the Gospel in the Midst of Uncertainty: It's needed more than ever


We are in the midst of a Pandemic. Hundreds of Thousands have died and many are becoming infected with Covid 19. California has been burning for weeks. This is the largest wildfire season recorded in California history. We are in a coin shortage, many stores are not accepting cash. We are on the verge of a cashless society. The shelves at stores are lacking where they were once full. There is talk of Russian war planes flying in U.S. air space in Alaska. This is just to name a few. The year 2020 has set a precedent for many things. We are closed in our homes, not knowing what to expect. Children are being taught virtually missing their friends. Parents are stressing out about childcare and not being able to help their children with education. Morals and Values are at an all time low. We need Jesus more than we ever have. Where are the children of God? Where are the Pastors? Where are the prayer visuals? People are looking for "normal" to return, not knowing that we are in the midst of a change. Normal as we know it I believe will not return. I believe that Jesus return is closer than we think. The Bible tells us what signs to look for and we are at the tipping point. 

Many believers are relaxed and idle. We just go to church on Sunday and Wednesday and we don't minister to anyone throughout the week. We see people hurting, spiritually dying and in despair and walk by without a care. God is calling for US to repent because we are not doing our job. We are here on earth to bring the kingdom of God. This is the message Jesus carried everyday. His heart was to please the father. The father heart was for the world, to save them out of sin. He wanted to save their souls to give them hope and a future. He wanted to justify them so that they could be in his presence. God so loves his workmanship that he sent his son to be the perfect final sacrifice to redeem the world back to him. Nevertheless, this is a mystery to many. They are in the dark and it is our (believers) job to be that light that illuminates Christ in their lives. Paul said in Romans How shall they call on whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in of whom they have not heard? It is time for us to turn our ear to God and inquire of him what he wants. We preach messages that are not of God. We prophesy false prophesies lying on God. We cause people to doubt him because of our disobedience. I never want to be the cause of a soul going to eternal torment. I want to be a daughter that my father is pleased with. I want people to see the light of Jesus flowing through me and not the darkness of the world. I want to fulfil my fathers business here on earth. Many of us don't even truly know our father the most high God. We don't spend any time with him. How can you know someone who you never talk to. We are laxed in our prayers, fasting, reading the Word and carrying the Gospel. Many of us are weak ambassadors right now because we are not looking like the Kingdom of God. Instead it seems our alliance lies with the world. 

We must prepare for the coming of the Lord. First and foremost the Church of God has to repent. You may say for what? I'm a believer. Repentance isn't only for the sinner. Whenever you have taken your eyes off God and put them elsewhere, you must repent. The word for repentance in Greek is Metanoia and it means a change of mind, a change in the inner man. We often have to go through a mind transformation. When our mind is transformed it renews us Romans 12:2. We have allowed ourselves to be over taken by life here on earth. We've forgotten about the lost souls. We've forgotten about our mandate from Jesus to take the Gospel to the world. When Jesus prayed in John 17 he prayed that we would be one that the world may know that God sent him through our words. He also said in John 14 that we should do the works that he did and even greater because he was leaving. How many of us can say that we are doing the works Jesus did. We are not saved from sin to be selfish. Our job is to grab as many as we can along the way that God may make the increase. We must have a change of mind and a care for the world as God cares for it. He left us here for a purpose, are we fulfilling it. Are we prepared for his coming? Are we prepared to endure the tribulation before he returns? Do we have the Word hidden in our hearts? Are we consecrating ourselves? Are we battling in the spirit? Do we have our full armor on in Ephesians 6? Are we prepared for his coming and are we preparing others along the way.  
It is important in this season that we draw near to God. We can't survive in our own will and power. We need the power of God. The only way we can do what Jesus did is through his power. We must ignite the Holy Spirit that we have so often quenched. Ask God to fill you with his fire. Ask him for a new stronger relationship and do your part to make that happen. Pursue him, knock and the door will be open, seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given. It is time to fast and pray and go before the throne of God. Inquire of God what he would have you do in this season. We all have a part in the body. God made each of us with a purpose hidden in Christ that would fulfil his purpose. He equipped us with gifts that we may do good works. It is time for God's bride to stand up and be counted. I tip my hat to my brothers and sisters that are out there doing the work of the Lord. Continue in the strength of the Lord and know that your work isn't in vain. It will accomplish God's will. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Gospel of Christ vs. Legalism: What Ground are you Standing On?

We are in an era of uncertainty, doubt and fear. Many are questioning their life and the way they have been living. I believe we all should constantly evaluate our lives and what we do with the precious gift of life. Everywhere you turn now someone is talking about being "Woke". Information and knowledge is so easy to obtain, because of this a lot that we were in the dark about has been revealed to us. But, what do we do with all this information? Are we as Christians (followers of Christ) allowing it to make us stronger or are we allowing it to deconstruct our faith in the True and Living God? Often I've found that it's the latter and that tells me " Houston, we have a problem". Many are waking up to the fact that they have been living out "Legalism" and not Grace by Faith in Jesus Christ. 

What is Legalism? 

According to Thomas R. Schreiner “Legalism exists when people attempt to secure righteousness in God’s sight by good works. Legalists believe that they can earn or merit God’s approval by performing the requirements of the law,” I will speak for myself, I knew that Jesus died for my sins from a little girl. I knew I could be forgiven for my sin because Jesus died, but I didn't have a true understanding of what Jesus actually did on the cross. I only understood when I begin to search God for myself and ask questions that others couldn't really answer. I realized I really didn't understand the God that I served. Many are waking up to this fact, which is not a bad thing. What is bad is that they're turning on the Most High God because of misunderstandings. They feel they are going crazy trying to keep a law that God isn't holding them to. I was raised going to a Church building every Sunday, Bible class on Wednesday and Choir rehearsal. I was taught a gang of things we are not supposed to do as a "Christian".  I wasn't told why really, I just knew not to do it because that's what I learned from people not God. This is what Legalism is and why many are leaving. You will run yourself crazy with the do's and dont's. This is also why many who think they are saved are not really saved. I say that because many came to the faith out of being condemned by people, many just believed what their parents said believe and some merely was afraid of going to hell so they said " I believe" without a repented heart.  It's time that we make our foundation sure by building a relationship with Christ and not rules.

The Gospel of Christ: Saved by Grace

See Legalism will not sustain you or me because there is nothing we can do to be justified. Justified means we are declared righteous because Christ took our guilt and shame. He took our penalty for sin. To give a small synopsis. God made Adam and Eve perfect without sin. They were made holy and righteous. He put them in the garden of Eden. This was a paradise for them with beautiful trees filled with fruit for them to eat. There was one tree that they were instructed not to eat from and that was the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan tempted Eve to eat from the tree by deceiving her. She then took the fruit to Adam and he ate it knowing it was forbidden. All mankind came through Adam, so because he sinned through him sinned entered every human since. We are born in sin. We are born with the desire to sin. God who is Holy, Righteous and king of kings has his rules that he never breaks. One rule is that Romans 6:23 the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. Also the Bible says Hebrews 9:22 Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. In the old testement we can see all the sacrifices they had to make for sin (uncleanliness). God sent a way of escape for us because he so loved the world his creation, that he sent his son Jesus because he could satisfy the requirement for sin. His blood was sufficient because he had NO sin. So he died and was buried and rose on the third day with power over death. We can't do that no matter how "good" we try to be. It's God's grace, his undeserved favor that we are saved. That's it. The requirements to be saved is to believe that God sent his son Jesus to die for you, Repent which means that you have a change of heart through a contrite (sorrowful) spirit and turn your eyes from the world to God. You make a decision to allow Jesus to be Lord of your life, to live for Christ. Then be baptised and filled with the Holy Spirit. 

Works vs. Grace

Jesus said those who love me follow my commands. Jesus is telling us that this walk is relational. We can't work our way into Heaven. Jesus is the way , the truth and the life. No man can enter except by him. We follow God's Kingdom culture because we love him. That's It! When we become saved we began the process of sanctification. This is not anything we do, this is done by the word of God and the blood of Jesus. Sanctification means you are set apart through the transformation of your mind. Our mind is transformed the closer we get to God, he begins to reveal himself to us and his original plan for our lives. We are washed, cleaned through the blood of Jesus and the reading of God's Word. We are faithful to our spouse because we know it the right thing to do, not because we don't want to go to hell. We don't curse because this is not pleasing to God. We don't murder because it's wrong. We don't steal because it's wrong. I could go on and on. We love God and want to please him because he loved us not because we are scared into it. God wants the best for us because he loves us unconditionally. I also love my children unconditionally, but I'm not pleased with everything they do. I also don't allow them to do whatever they want in my presence because I have a moral code that I stand by. Now, I am in noooo way comparing myself to the most high God. I'm trying to give you a picture of our father in Heaven. You should never feel condemned because Jesus didn't come to condemn us, he came to save us. Condemnation comes from satan not God. When we sin we can go to God and repent and ask for forgiveness. Our God is faithful and Just and will forgive us of all unrighteousness. He loves 👉you. 

If you are confused right now because it feels like you just can't get it right. Stop right now and talk to God, tell him everything you are feeling right now. If you've been taught not to question God, throw it out the window with legalism. We can go to God and talk to him about anything and he will answer us. Tell God that you want a relationship with him, you want to know him without the do's and don'ts. You just want to know his character, love, and his son Jesus Christ. Keep it real with God, he loves your transparency. Don't allow satan to deceive you into thinking you're not good enough because you sinned. We all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. There are good people of God that are giving the answers to the questions you have. You are not suppose to believe anything just because someone told you to. You are suppose to know why you follow Christ. Below are scriptures to help you drop legalism and build on your faith in Jesus for eternal salvation. 

Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

Galations 3:13-14 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us- for it is written, cursed is everyone who hanged on a tree 14He redeemed us in order that the blessing promised to Abraham would come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.…

John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world ;but that the world through him might be saved. 

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. 

John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent.

Please leave a comment if this blog has helped you in any way. Share so that others that are struggling in their faith may be helped. If you have any questions please ask, if I don't know I will definitely point you to someone who does. Be Blessed my sister, my brotherđź’–

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

True Repentance: What does it mean?

The Corona Virus has everyone leaning to different understandings. Some fill that China made the virus in a lab and it somehow reached the entire world. Others think that 5G towers are causing the virus. In short, there is a lot of information floating around, some good and some bad. One thing is for sure that this is spiritual and no matter how many theories are out there, we can't survive this alone. I felt something coming before it arrived. I knew it was something horrible, but I never imagined this. Then God told me in a dream to prepare for the virus cause it was coming. I never would of thought that this many people would be affected by this virus. People have died that I cared for deeply. My friends and coworkers have lost loved ones. The entire world has shut down. My pastor likes to say "we are on punishment". Schools are closed. The Car manufactures are down. The malls, hair salons, nail parlors, etc. There is no time like the present to make sure we are in right standings with God. Many pastors and believers alike are saying that God is calling for repentance. I believe this to be true for I've felt this spiritually myself. It is easy to look at the world and say " God is calling for Repentance!" but what about his CHURCH? Is his bride in right standings with him? The majority of us would answer with a resounding NO. I'm the the first to raise my hand ✋. God is looking for his bride to repent and get to work in the fields. Jesus said to his disciples "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few"

                                                Are we Walking Correctly? 
According to the recent United Nations estimates as of March 2020 there are 7.8 billion people in the entire world. In addition, according to CSGC (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) there are 2.5 billion Christians in the world as of 2019. That is a little under 20% of the population. If this is true the world should in no way be in the condition it is today. It is so much evil in our world. There were 2,578,714 abortions from the years of 2013-2016. The jails are full of murders, pedifiles, rapist, theives, drug handlers, etc. In fact the jails are all over crowded. People are falling away from the faith in droves because their foundations are weak. There is more, but just this right here is enough to see the church has been very ineffective. If you are saying to yourself "how is she blaming the state of the world on the church?" I ask you to look within yourself and evaluate have you been walking upright taking the gospel to the masses. If the answer is yes, I'm ecstatic for you, if not you still have time. 
In order to be saved through Christ there is a blueprint: Repent, be Baptised and recieve the Holy Spirit. The repentance stage is where you come into the knowledge of Jesus Christ and what he did for you on the cross. You usually ask for forgiveness out of a sincere heart and repent. Repentance is a concept the church is lax on. In Biblical times if members were living in sin they would be approached by a seasoned believer. This was done in meekness and love in hopes that the person would not continue to be entangled in sin. Many look at this as Jugdemental but it's not. This is an act of love. In today's church everyone looks the other way. If your brother of sister is on their way to damnnation it should concern you. In Romans Paul teaches us how to walk in "Newness of Life", this is after repentance and baptism. Romans 6:2 says How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? When you and I were baptised we went down with with Christ, which mean died to our old nature. We also rose with Christ when we emerged from the water which means life through Christ. This means we were supposed to come up with a new mindset. The act of repentance means that you made the decision to turn away from things that were displeasing to God which are all symptoms of sin. Whether its lying, murder, homosexuality, gluttony, alcoholism, etc. these are all symptoms of sin. Once we rose with Christ we were free from the bondage of sin. We are no longer in darkness. We now know what sin (darkness) is and what is righteousness (light) is. So why do so many of us blend in well with the world? Why are so many of us looked at as hypocrites? Why are so many of us giving ourselves excuses to sin such as "I'm not perfect" "I'm a work in process" "God know my heart" and so on. When we say those statements we are actually saying " I know the righteous thing to do but I choose to entangle myself in sin again even after Jesus has freed me". How can we be effective when we don't follow what we say we believe? We become like the Pharisees and Sadducees when we do this.

It is time for us to Repent and walk worthy of our calling

It is time for us to be the church God called us to be. We should be calling prayer meetings online for now. Stay safe. We should be praying, fasting and reading our Word, seeking God's face. We should be talking to our family members and friends about the state of their soul. In meekness and love of course. Let your light shine, be the salt of the earth. I don't want to see Jesus only for him to say get away from me, I never knew you. I don't want to walk in the religious spirit anymore, but a true genuine sincere relationship with God. I want to walk in the Holy Spirit and not after the flesh because Jesus died so I didn't have to. It's time to go out to feed the homeless, go to the shelters, visit the nursing homes, go to the jails, etc. This is our calling. You have to seek God for what he has for you to do in the body just as I do. We must repent for blending in with the world and for not being the son/daughter that Jesus died for us to be. This is why the Bible is so important, through much use we are able to discern whats good and evil. How can you and I know what God requires without ever opening the book? You are right, you will never be perfect because you are clothe in flesh, but through Jesus we have the power to strive for perfection daily. I've made many changes in this walk through a repentant heart. Remember we don't change on our own we will fail everytime, but through the Holy Spirit all things are possible. We can do all things through Jesus which strengthens us. 

In Conclusion, we must first repent before we expect the world to. We must ask God for forgiveness where we are lax and renew our mindset through God. We are in the world but not of the world, we are here to be change agents (Kingdom Ambassadors).  We are in the end times and we must prepare for whats to come that we may compel others before it's too late. Pray, fast and read your Word. Inquire of God what he desires of you. Feel free to leave any questions or comments in the comment section.

Monday, March 23, 2020

If Jesus died for sin, Why can't I live how I want

 Many people have this question. I once asked this question out of ignorance. I never truly understood this until I did a study of my own. People had tried to explain to me but I just never fully understood. In my experience it was taught with fear of going to hell so don't sin with a list of things you can't do. Now that I understand I don't serve God because of fear, I serve him because I love him. I love him because he first loved me. I know that without God sending his son I would be unhappy, insecure, no hope, and unfulfilled in life. I would be walking around in darkness with no direction constantly bumping into walls. I understand that as a believer in Christ my wants should now line up with God's purpose for my life.

What is sin and why is it here? 

Sin is an act of transgression against God's divine law. God is Holy, no bad, dark, wicked, or unrighteousness is in him. Sin is going against God's moral code. The Bible tells us that in the beginning God made Adam and Eve. The first humans on this earth. There was a place called Eden and there was a garden there. There were many trees I believe but the Bible speaks of two specific trees, one had the power to give life continually and one the power to take life spiritually and physically. God instructed Adam not to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Gen 2:15-17 1And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. During this time Adam and Eve only knew about Good/Righteousness because they only new the things of God. God never intended for mankind to know or experience anything bad, evil or dark. Nevertheless, he didn't make robots. You may say why was the tree there? I believe to give mankind a choice to choose their creator over the created. Long story short satan came in the garden and tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden tree by decieving her. She ate and gave Adam some to eat. Since Adam is the first of mankind sin came in the world through him when he disobeyed God. Every human after Adam is descendants of him. Therefore every human is born in bondage to sin. This means we will automatically have sinful desires until we are born again through the Jesus Christ. We are born with a disposition to sin.
Remember I said God is Holy and sin is unholy so sin seperated Adam and Eve from God. This means sin separated us from God. Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Remember God told Adam "the day you eat of that tree, you will surely die." The penalty for sin is death physically and spiritually. Just think the bad things people do end in destruction. It's fun in the beginning, it feels good in the beginning but once it has you in it's grips the fun end and the consequences come knocking. The good feeling is gone. You never get to the point where you are fulfilled. You always feel like something is missing, there has to be more. That feeling is telling you that you are in darkness seperated from your creator. Your spirit is yearning for God but because you're in darkness you don't know it. Nevertheless, no matter how crazy our decision making is/was God loves us. It broke his heart the day he had to seperate himself from his creation. On that day we became enemies to God. BUT! God had a solution. He knew that no matter how many sacrifices we offered we couldn't save ourselves from sin. Knowing what sin was just made it more tempting. Just think you don't really like sweets like that,  but soon as you start a diet you want sweets. When you're told you can't have something you want it more until your thinking is transformed. So God sent a perfect sacrifice to free us from the dispostion to sin. He sent a way to bring us out of darkness into his marvelous light where we belong. He sent us a way to be able to choose him, because our oppurtunity of choice was taken. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Image result for the gospel

Through the death, burial and ressurection of Christ we now have an chance to live a life eternal with God. Once we repent (turn from sinful desires in your heart), be baptised and filled with the Holy Spirit we become a new creature. 2 Corinthians 5:17  17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. We were made for God's purpose and pleasure. We were made to fulfil his will. God wants the best for us literally. The best is not necessarily the most expensive things that we think about. God does allow us to get those things from our hard work, but he really doesn't care about that. His best is for us to have hope, a future and an expected end. Before choosing Christ we are born with a future of Hell, fire and brimstone. This is not because God is mean, it's because this is the punishment for sin. God keeps his word and stay true to his moral code. We change our minds and actions all the time, God doesn't. He is exact. Since God knew that was our end he sent a way of escape. He paid for our salvation with the blood of his son. God didn't give us sinful desires, satan did by decieving Eve. Jesus didn't die so you could do what you want. He didn't die so that you could live in sin freely, you was already doing that. He died so that you could live the life God intended for you from the beginning of Creation. Jesus look on the sins of the world so we could live an everlasting life with him instead of in Hell. 

Back to the question at hand. 

You are not already forgiven. 1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we confess our sins, repent (turn from them) and except his son, then God will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Romans 10:9-10That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved.
The choice you have to make. Do you want to live in bondage to satan and sin? No man has two masters, it's either God or satan. The only way to God is through Jesus because sin seperated us. If we don't believe in Jesus and follow his commandments we are enemies to God. When we live in sin we choose satan as our master by default. Nevertheless, if you want to be saved from eternal damnation and disposition to live a sinful life, THERES NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT. God knows everything you''ve done and still loves you. He is waiting to be reunited with you. It brings him joy at the thought of you choosing him. Ask God to forgive you of your sins, call them out by name. He already knows, turn from your wicked ways. Accept Jesus as your personal savior, Believe in your heart and Confess with your mouth and you will be saved. If you don't have a place of worship that you attend you are more than welcome to contact me. I will give you the number to my overseers so that you can get baptised. We meet on line every Thursday.  God loves you, Jesus died for you and now you can make the most important decision of your life. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

ID2020 Alliance: Are we Close to a Cashless Society?

God never ceases to amaze me, up until about a week ago I'd never heard of ID2020. This made me think " how many other people have never heard of this?" This is very important for the believer to know and I'll tell you why shortly. The way God works with me is by leading me to topics to research. Then he unravels it for me with scripture to show me it's importance. What is ID2020 you ask? ID2020 is SDG 16.9 of the SDG30 goals. SDG (Substainable Development Goals) goals were decided by the United Nations member states. In 2015 at a Summit it was a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and secure that all people will enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. Don't let the language fool you. It sounds good, but I'll do a blog about that at a later time. ID2020 is digital global identification. The process is to put a chip in your hand through a vaccine/needle. The chip is so small it can be inserted through hyperdermic needles. This can be used for cash, identity and even locking and unlocking doors.

Why Language is Important 

I'm a 5th grade teacher and I always tell my students "Pay attention to the Language used, what are they saying?" I'm going to tell you the: Who, When, Why, What, Where and How. Then after, you make your decision if it is important for believers to be aware of this.

Who are the key players in this initiative? Dakota Gruener of Gavi: The Vaccine Alliance, is the executive director of ID2020. The Rockefellow Foundation provided seed money in 2017 to get it started is an ongoing supporter. Microsoft (Bill Gates) joined in 2018 as a founding partner and it's members sit on the board as technical and program delivery advisory committee. Accenture joined in 2017 as a founding partner and participates on the executive board and Technical Advisory Committee. IDEO who is an international consulting firm that designs products, services and experiences to improve poor people lives. They are the Program Delivery and ecosystem Advocacy Advisory Committee.  I know this is the boring part lol, but just hang in there. The Bible says in Hosea 4:6a My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge, because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. When God says knowledge his Word always comes first, then he also instructs us to be watchful, which is where this boring information comes in :)

Why are they doing this? This is their reasoning for the public. To give legal idenity to all, there are 1.5 billion who don't have legal identification (they say). This means those 1.5 billion can't get a bank account which is social exclusion. They care about everyone so much that they must come up with a way for everyone to be included. Digital Idenity will leave no one behind. First of all if they don't have money for identification, where are they going to get money to open up a bank account or buy a new car? This doesn't add up. The Truth is the United Nations wants to have eyes on everyone in the world to make sure people comply with their global goals. It's similar to inserting animals with digital identification to keep tabs on them. This will enable them to look you up at anytime in the system. 

When are they doing this? Their goal was to know that they had proof of scale by 2020 with help of the top people I named above. There are other partners, but those are the top people. According to Gruener of Gavi "paper based services are not working anymore"... "we need digital idenity thats portable and persistent." Their goal is to have legal digital idenity for all ages (everyone on the planet) by 2030. All ages means that your children will have a digital ID possibly at birth. Gruener words in an interview "it's not an if, it's when" which means it's coming for sure and is already being used in some places. My question: Are you prepared?  Revelation 13:16-17 says
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. I don't know if it the mark of the beast, but I know the one who knows all things, God. We will definitely need his wisdom, guidance, and leadership through what's coming down the pipeline. 
As you can see with the pictures above, the plan is to leave no stone unturned. Every facet of life according to the United Nations by 2030 will be one unified global system. Let me give you an idea of what we're facing. One goal is "Gender Equality" where all genders have to be accepted, identified the way they desire, treated fairly, and have a life of sexual freedom. According to ABC News there are 58 gender options that Facebook has for it's users. Wait! I thought it was only two: Male and Female. First let me say their sexual freedom is their business. I don't condemn them, I pray that their souls are saved. I love all people. I don't see their sin greater or less than anyone else. Nevertheless, identifying them any other way then what they are isn't an option for a believer. Genesis 1:27 says:  

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.  A believer must speak the word of God and not the world. I'll give you another example: Another goal is to promote peaceful inclusive societies. This may sound good also but as you dig into it you will see why it's not good for the believer. Inclusive society means all religions will have to be inclusive and peaceful. That's fine for religion, but being a disciple of Christ isn't a religion which is merely a belief system. Jesus is the truth, he has no beginning and ending of days. Everything was created through him. Without him nothing was made. God is the source of all things and we follow our father who created us. Therefore we can't be inclusive. God so loved the world that he sent his son to die so they/ we could have an option to choose righteousness over sin. This means we can't conform to the world and it's systems if it's contrary to the word of God. The Bible says: John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. 1John 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. This is just two examples out of many as to why we can't serve this Global system of SDG30. Now back to the digital idenity. According to Carl Sanders who helped create this microchip, it works best placed in the right hand or beneath the hairline in the forehead. Does that sound familiar? It was highlighted above.
Image result for Rev 13:16-17

In Swedan this is already happening. Thousands of Swedan people are trading ID cards for microchips according to World Economic Forum website. Swedan is also close to being a cashless society. Why is this important to you? Because it will soon be here and we will have to make a decision. Because we didn't obey the Bible when God said be watchful and pray, so many things have been done in the dark without our knowing. Now it's at our door step knocking. Will you answer and invite it in? This is one of many things that we will have to face as believers and stay rooted in Jesus. The time of being comfortable in the grey area is over. Now you will either be hot or cold. God doesn't deal with the lukewarm, in fact he spews them from his mouth.  
Image result for be watchful and pray We must wake out of our slumber. Reading the Word of God is what lets us know what is good and evil. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is how we are led, taught and warned, etc. Praying is how we communicate and hear from God. Fasting is how we put our flesh under subjection to the spirit of God. God is calling for repentance from his people. We can no longer just stand on the sidelines watching lost souls and doing nothing about it. We are held responsible. We know better, but what about the people in the world that are waiting for you and me so that they can choose Jesus. It is time to open our mouths and speak the truth, the bitter with the sweet. The sweet can get you through some things but the bitter is what will help believers stand through what's coming.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-eUjfDUWCE&t=566s  
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP4kZxRnt3c  Please watch these two videos on the endtimes and share for others to see. Be blessed 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Kingdom of Darkness: We Must Protect our Children

I ask you for a moment to take a look at these children. Their beautiful smiles are radiant. Look at the purity and joy that illuminates from them. Now, imagine them being taken advantage of to do unconceivable things. Imagine those smiles are now frowns filled with darkness and void. Their hearts have been turned to stone. These precious children have been made agents for the kingdom of darkness. {disclaimer]I prayed as I typed this that none of those things had happened to these childern. In the Bible, Jesus shows a deep sincere love for children. He had a protective nature when it came to the little ones. Matthew 18:6-7 says: “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. We see in this scripture that if anyone causes a child to sin they will truly pay for defiling the pure nature of the innocent. In another scripture we see that Jesus understands the power in being like a child. We sometimes overlook children but there is much we can learn from them. In Matthew 18:2-5 Jesus shows us this: Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. 

The Nature of Children

Jesus said that Children are humble. I looked up the word humble, the synonyms for humble are: meek, respectful, submissive, unassertive, resistless and unpresuming. This tells me that children will submit to their leaders. Children will not assert their will over yours. They don't resist what you are teaching them. I'm also a fifth grade teacher so I see these traits with children everyday. They believe what you tell them for the most part. They may ask why to get more clarity, but will submit. This is how we must be to enter the kingdom of Heaven. We should not try to assert our Will over God's Will for our life. We are to submit to God by repenting and turning from anything that is unlike him. We do not resist God but surrender our Will to him. 

The Kindom of Darkness Desires to Recruit Our Children

Satan and his agents are working nonstop. He too knows the humble nature of children and how easy it is to trap and turn them. He has demons in every part of this world promoting wickedness through lies and deciet. I recently watched two videos of young ladies who were in Satanism and are now followers of Jesus Christ! Hallelujah! I thank God for their deliverance. I also thank God for their testimonies. The Bible says that we will overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimonies. Through these young ladies sharing what they experienced in the kingdom of darkness I now have a better understanding of satans plan. I found out that his goal is to recruit young people. Both of these ladies were recruited in their teen years. They explained how they target young people. In one case there was a man that would stand outside the school to talk to young girls and recruit them. Clothes, music, false prophets, movies, social media, etc. are use to snare our children to forfeit their soul. These ladies were made to kill people, do human sacrifices, sexual immorality and more. Many of our missing children are taken for this purpose according to these ladies. They are stripped of all innocense and made to be killing and sex machines void of feelings. This breaks my heart as I type these words knowing we have some fault in this. Nevertheless, my hope comes from knowing that there is a way of escape for matter. God does not leave us ignorant. He makes a show of the enemy by bringing his tactics to the forefront. Now it is our time to act. 

Defense Strategy
The Bible says: Train up a child in the way that they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. Many Christians are failing at this for a few reasons. First, we are taking our children to Church and leaving it up to them to train our children. The church is the village that helps, but they are not to do the parent's job. As parents we have to practice what we preach. In Deuteronomy God instructed parents to put Him first in all they did and teach their children to do the same. We are to follow God's word in action and not just words and teach our children to do the same. Many of us are merely church goers with no action behind it which in turn teaches our children nothing about the foundation of our faith. Therefore our first defense strategy is to lead by example. God should be taught at home along with prayer.  Our children should know who Jesus is because at his name everything will bow. Secondly, we are allowing our children to hear and see wicked things created to snare them. Our eyes and ears are open doors to our soul. When we as parents listen to sexual immoral music, Watch sexual immoral videos and movies, curse and use God's name in vain and any other act that involves sin, we open our children up for possession. Therefore our second line of defense is to first make a conscious decision to eliminate those things from your life. Remember we must lead by example. Children do what we do not what we say. We must show our children how to live a Godly life and why it's important. You and your child may learn the reasons together and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact that is beautiful to learn the fullness of God along with your child. Third, pray without ceasing, which means pray all throughout the day. We must cover our children in prayer. This will keep them protected by angels sent by God.  We must take this walk more seriously if we want to save our children. There are children being left open with no defenses because we are not praying and teaching them the right way. This causes them to fall for the kingdom of darkness lies. We must teach our children the name of JESUS! We must teach them how to pray. The Bible is what teaches us how to discern the difference between evil and righteousness. How will they know without you reading with them?
Our job is to protect our children. Pray for any children that are around you. Pray for the abducted children to be returned safely. Pray for believing parents to begin to walk righteously in front of their children, that their children may follow and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Teach them the importance of Jesus and what his sacrifice did for them. Let's take our children back from the hands of the enemy. Stop freely giving them over by allowing them to see and hear anything because of your fleshly desires. Make a decision to be hot or cold. I pray you be hot for Jesus and teach your children to be the same. My prayer is that through your walk with God, your children will begin to teach other children that they encounter. My prayer is that you will begin to form prayer groups with other parents. My prayer is that you will teach the blue print of the Bible which is to Repent, be Baptised and Filled with the Holy Spirit. Be Blessed☝ Feel Free to leave any questions in the comments.

When Did It Become Cool To Worship The Devil

 I've been noticing a rise in the "I'm with satan" culture. Many music artists are making videos dressed in satan garb. Ma...