What Does It Mean To Be Made In God's Image?
There is one God, but he is three persons. 1John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. In this manner mankind is made like God. We are a spirit in a body that possess a soul. In Genesis 2 the Bible says God made Adam out of the dust of the earth. This was when he formed his body cavity. Then he breathed the breath of life into Adam and he became a living soul. That breath was God breathing his spirit into Adam. When Adam took a breath and became aware his soul quickened. Our soul is our awareness (mind, will, emotions and intellect). God has a soul. he has feelings, a Will (his Will is perfect), intellect and emotions. Now let's keep it real we will never be on his level of intellect but he did make us like him in this manner. We are the only creation that God gave Free Will to. We are also a spirit being like the second person in the Godhead, the Holy Spirit (which is God's Spirit). This is how we connect with God through our Spirit man. God told us in John the 24th chapter that we must worship God with our spirit because he is spirit. We have a body like Jesus has a body. Jesus is the word of God in flesh. I know it's hard to understand for some but when God reveal it to you, you will be amazed 😍 We also was made in the righteousness of God. We were made with God's character. This is why he wants us to portray the fruits of his spirit. Before sin entered the world and marred our true identity mankind was Holy like God. This is why it is very important for us to Repent and be reborn through the Holy Spirit. We put away our sinful nature when we are reborn and are reinstated with our intended nature. It is a new nature for us because when we entered our mothers womb we were marred with sin. Remember before we enter our mothers womb God knows us Psalms 139 which means we were fearfully and wonderfully made without blemish. King David was in awe of God's love for us. In Psalms 8 he asked "who is man that you are mindful of him?". I believe God's reply was because you are my workmanship. You are my prized possession. For you my son, I will send my son to earth to die in order to redeem you back to me. This is the love God has for you and I, even in our mess he love us.
In Conclusion
Always remember that you were created in the image of the Most High God. The God that created the heavens and earth took time to make you in his image. He loves you with an everlasting love. His hearts desire is for your soul to be saved and to have a relationship with you. Your purpose lies in Christ. What this means is that until you're reborn through Christ Jesus you will never know your true God given destiny. There is a wall between you and God when you haven't confessed Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God. Eternal life comes to those that believe that God sent Jesus to die for our sins and that he rose on the third day with all power in his hands. Everything must flee when Jesus is on the scene because all things are subject to his power. God is waiting to deliver you so that you can walk in your true identity. Be blessed🙏
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