Sunday, March 19, 2023

When Did It Become Cool To Worship The Devil

 I've been noticing a rise in the "I'm with satan" culture. Many music artists are making videos dressed in satan garb. Many celebs are promoting manifestation. All around the world we are seeing the enemy promoted. Now I'm not naive, I know this has been around since the beginning. Nevertheless, not to this extent. People who felt like this often times hid it from the world. Now it's everywhere you look. The world is shouting boldly "I'm with satan!" So I went to the source(God) and asked what is going on.  After a couple days he spoke this scripture to me Proverbs 23:13 Keep your heart with all diligence, for out it flows the issues of life. Immediately the lightbulb went off. I begin to dissect this scripture. 

As I began to dissect this scripture in Hebrew (the original language it was written) I started to understand more of why God directed me to this scripture. When I think of guard, I imagine a guard standing at a post so nothing can get in or out unless allowed. That guard will protect his post with his life. That's how dedicated a guard is to his post. In like manner we must guard our heart because our lives depend on it. When I looked up diligence I was surprised to see synonyms like: confinement, prison, and jail. It also had: guard, watch and observance. Therefore not only should we keep watch for our heart (mind, will, emotions- our Soul) but keep it confined under close observation. It's like a precious jewel under lock and key, you don't want anything to taint it. 

The next word I looked up was Keep. I never want to assume I know what the word means, I look it up to get the intended message from God. The word Keep in this scripture means: guarding the way, to protect, maintain and obey. Now I had even more meaning to this scripture. God was saying confine your heart, keep it under close observation, protect it so that you can guard your walk and maintain it. This scripture was written by wisest man ever lived, Solomon. He lived a long life, which means he saw and experienced a lot. He saw how fleshly desires can cause destruction to your life. Our senses (ears, eyes, mouth, smell and hearing) can get us in a lot of trouble if the wrong thing penetrates them. If we allow any and everything to access us we will find ourselves on the wrong path. Why is this? Our mind and decisions will be tainted greatly. We will begin to allow what we didn't in the past. Guarding our heart and mind is of great importance.

Satan is a liar, he has been a liar from the beginning. He is deceiving many. A great majority has accepted satan not knowing that he is their enemy. It's not that he only dislikes Christians or shall I say God's ambassadors through Jesus Christ, but he doesn't like mankind period. The kingdom of darkness agenda is to steal, kill and destroy. His plan will never change. No one is exempt when it comes to his plan. Those who have opened themselves to him, he is in the process of destroying them if they don't repent and become free through Jesus. Those that are guarding themselves through Jesus are not exempt either because his demons are waiting for any opening. This is why it's so detrimental that we guard our heart. 

Lastly, the second half of the scripture for out of it flows the issues of life. We make decisions everyday from the time we wake until bed. These choices are made from the heart (mind, will and emotion). What we have allowed access to will guide how we make decisions. If we are filling ourselves up with the Word of God, praying, fasting, gospel music and the assembly of our sisters and brothers our decisions are going to show the fruit of that. When I began to do those things it was a lot that I didn't want any part of because I made a change in what I allowed to access me. We are transformed by the renewing of our mind. How will our mind be renewed if we're allowing demonic, ungodly music, vulgar words, not reading the Bible, ungodly television shows, etc. It won't and the enemy will begin reek havoc in your life. You will begin to see everything fall apart once locked in. He makes it seem good at first until his grips are in then he shows his true character.  

How To Protect Your Heart

  • Read Your Word daily in the morning and before bed
  • Pray over yourself using the Holy Scriptures
  • Fast periodically (Keeps your spirit stronger than your flesh)
  • Limit the amount of television you watch (try not to watch shows with nudity, vulgar language, witchcraft, horror and coarse joking)
  •  Limit worldly music, a lot of it has hidden messages and indoctrination tactics in it.
Remember nothing is worth your peace of mind. God didn't give us the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind Be Blessed. 

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When Did It Become Cool To Worship The Devil

 I've been noticing a rise in the "I'm with satan" culture. Many music artists are making videos dressed in satan garb. Ma...