Sunday, July 14, 2019

Prayer: How to enter into God's presence

Did you know you were created to live in God's presence? Adam and Eve was in God's presence daily because there was nothing separating them. Everything they did coincided with God's will and purpose for them. God guided there decisions until they fell for deception. Mankind was pure, blameless, without spot or wrinkle. We were perfect! We had no sin, wickedness, blemishes or transgressions. We were created to reflect God's character and personality, which is his nature and moral character. We are made of three parts: Body, Soul and Spirit. Because man has a spirit we are able to communicate with God in spirit as he is spirit. The Bible says God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.(John 4:24) Even though we were created in God's image, we can't reflect that image if we don't have a relationship with him. Remember our image changed once mankind fell because we became slaves to sin. We became enemies of God Romans 5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled (restored back) to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his (Jesus) life. Therefore the very 1st step to getting in God's presence is accepting his son Jesus Christ as your savior. Without Jesus blood there is no remission of sin. No Jesus, No God! The only way to be restored back from our fallen state is through his son Jesus. 

God's plan was for man to desire what he desired, for man's will to line up with his will. When this happens your prayers will be asking God to accomplish his will on earth as it is in heaven. Then goodness and truth will reign on earth instead of darkness and evil.  When we are born, we are born in sin. We are born conforming to the world and its systems. Thus we are born following satan whether we choose to or not. The only way to change that is to be reborn by dying to sin and raised in righteousness through Christ. This is what baptism does. This is not a quick fix pill though, the transformation is an ongoing process. In this blog I'm going to list some principles that are essential to having effective and powerful prayers that God honors. 

1. Deal with your sin- We must first deal with our sin when we prepare to pray. We must evaluate our day and actions to see if we have done anything God would be displeased with. Then ask for forgiveness of those sins. We can even ask God to forgive us for sins we don't know about because what's right to man is wicked to God. This means sometimes our decisions are not in alignment with God unknowingly. Psalms 19:12 David asks God to forgive him for his hidden faults, meaning sins he's unaware of.  1John 1:9  says that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us. This is very important not to skip repentance because sin causes God to separate from us and not hear our prayers.

2. Put on Righteousness- This means being right with God through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Your life should be reflecting his light and moral code. Remember we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, there will be areas you slip in, this is your opportunity to ask God to help you in those areas. We can do nothing by our self but through God all things are possible. 

3.Be Honest with God- Remember God knows everything πŸ˜‰ we sometimes forget this and try to tell " little white lies" or " extract information" in our prayers. This will get you no where with God because that is sin. Remember the Bible says we must worship him in spirit and truth. God doesn't judge us like man. He loves us unconditionally. You can go to him with your darkest secret, in fact that gets you closer because you're laying it all at his feet and this is what he desires. 

4. Read your Word (Bible)- The word of God cleanses us. This is why God tells us to meditate on his word day and night. This just means keep God's word on your mind. The word of God is for reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness so that we may be perfect, thoroughly furnished for all good works( 2Tim. 3:16-17) Without God's word we can't truly know him. The only way we can truly live in righteousness as God desires is by living according to his word (Psalms 119:9-11). When we read the word it also trains our senses to discern between good and evil (Hebrews 5:14). Lastly, we can remind him of his word. Because he values his word above himself he will honor it always. 

5. Separate Yourself- When you prepare to pray you must separate yourself from outside interference. You can't have a powerful and effective prayer while watching television or listening to the radio (unless you have certain worship music to set the atmosphere). Your total attention need to be on your time with God. Adam and Eve didn't have interference remember but we do. We have work, school, kids, worries, Fbook, instagram, etc. We have to shut all that out for alone time just to bask in his presence. This allows your spirit to become one with his and he will speak to you and through you in prayer (this may not happen every time). The more you build your relationship with God, the stronger your prayer life will be. 

6. Have Faith- We must have Faith in God's promises when we pray. Remember, you can only know his promises if you read the Holy Bible for yourself. The Bible says without Faith it is impossible to please God. One reason is because you have to first believe that he is and that he sent his son to die for the sins of world. When you pray, you must believe that it is done. This means you live as if it is a reality for you that just has to manifest. Many pray and get off their knees and speak death to the very thing they just prayed for. The Bible says in James 4, that is like a man that look in the mirror and turns around and immediately forget what he looks like. This is another reason his word is so important because it builds your faith in him. Go into your prayer knowing that God hears you and will answer you. 

7. Give God glory & remain in Righteousness- Take some time to just praise and worship him for who he is to you. Your prayer shouldn't be all about petitions only. Praise God  for his mercy, grace, and atonement for your sins. This is just examples, but just as you like praise God does too and he totally deserves that and more. Often people try to live righteous just to get something from God, once it's done they regress to worldly living. How do you feel when you've been used? I never want to grieve God. He's done to much for me. Romans 12:1 say to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, because this is our reasonable service unto him. This is my daily goal. 

I don't profess to know it all. I'm learning daily as you are.  I'm a fellow believer trying to grow in Christ and sharing with others what I've learned on this walk. My goal is to strengthen my prayer life to take it to a higher level. I want my will, purpose and pleasure to line up with his so we can do amazing miracles in the earth just as Jesus did. In fact we are instructed to do greater works than Jesus. This means if God said that, I can trust that I will be able to accomplish it because he honors his word over himself. When we position ourselves by making our vessel (body) available to him we will be awesome change agents in this earth and the earth to come. Please post in the comments about your prayer life or any questions or advice you may have for me or others. Be Blessed.  

Prayer: Is it possible we've been doing it wrong

People pray all over the world. Many people pray in a religious manner such as Muslims pray religiously 5 times a day at set times. Hindus make shrines and pray 3 times a day. Some people pray out of fear of death, illness or need. Humans have an innate yearning to connect with the source of creation. In God's Word he tells us to pray on all occasions ( Ephesians 6:18). The word "prayer" is mentioned a 132 times, "pray" 121 times, "prayed" 68 times, etc. In short the subject of prayer is mentioned in total of 375 times in the Bible. This tells me that prayer is very important in the life of a Believer in Jesus, but why is it taken so lightly? Prayer is one of the foundations of Christianity. This is the first thing you're taught starting with the prayer of Salvation, so why do we drop the ball? When you look at church buildings the service with the less people is the prayer service. It's usually the elders of the church and a few new Christians that fade off after a while. This should not be. We've mistaken prayer for an option instead of it being a necessity. Prayer isn't an option for a Believer, when we neglect to commune with God we walk in our will instead of his. We also allow the enemy to do whatever he wants because we are not calling God to act on the behalf of the world.
My answer to this question was usually "talking to God". While this is a true answer, prayer goes deeper than that. Soon you will see why it's not an option, it's a necessity. Prayer is the power to influence earth from heaven. Jesus told us that in Matthew when he said whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. We often see evil things happening in the world and we feel helpless but really we have power through prayer in Christ Jesus to make a change. Let me explain. In the beginning God gave dominion to mankind. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Gen 1:28) God made the earth for mankind and gave them authority over it. When Adam and Eve sinned they gave that authority to satan. This is why he is called "the prince of the air". Before this happened Adam and Eve talked with God daily, we know this because scripture says that after God made them "he said to them". Prayer was from the beginning. God spoke to them with no interference. They wasn't thinking "is he talking to us" or " how do we know when God is talking" God explained to them what everything was made for and what to do with it. He gave them instructions and had regular conversations with them daily. The Bible says they heard the voice of God in the garden in the cool of the day. This was nothing new to them, but the relationship was broken from sin. Sin brought the disconnect between man and God. We were created for God's pleasure, will and purpose. We were made to be one with God, just as we are one with our spouse (meaning one accord, not sexually). If we go back to the scripture stated above, God was telling them his will and purpose for their life. He was basically saying this is why you were created. God is all powerful see's all, knows all and everything was created by him, through him and in him. Nevertheless, God is a God of integrity. His word is greater than his name to him. Psalms 138:2b for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. God's word means everything to him, so when he gave us authority he only interferes when we call on him through prayer. He doesn't take authority, satan does that. Matter of fact he just tricks you out of your authority. satan tricks people into handing over the keys daily through deception and half truths. Anything on earth without a body is here illegally unless they have been called by a human. This is why demons (who are spirit) seek bodies that they can possess because their time is limited without one. That topic will be for another day :) 

Jesus won our dominion back for us

Once Jesus came as 100% man and 100% divine he was the final sacrifice for our sin. God was here legally because he sent himself in a body to do what we couldn't do. He became our atonement. This doesn't mean that all mankind has their authority back though. We only gain our authority back when we accept Jesus as our savior. Once we do that we now have the power of God literally inside of us. satan has no control over you anymore and neither do sin unless you allow it. Now that you've been cleaned in the blood of the lamb the communication signal is back open.  Jesus is the link from man to God. 

So if I'm saved and I pray sparingly, what's the problem. 1. We pray out of our own selfish desires. James 3:4 says God will not give you the desires of your lust. 2. We don't realize we were created for God's purpose, not our own. Thus, our prayers should line up with his purpose, will and pleasure. 3. We are unaware of God's purpose because we haven't fully surrendered to him, nor searched his word to find it. 4. God is not concerned with being our personal Jenie, he wants a intimate relationship as a father with his child. 5. We continue to walk in sin and hinder our prayers which make them null and void. 
James 5:16b (NIV)
James 5:16b(kjv) The effectual fervant prayers of a righteous man availeth much. Our job as a Christian is to pray for the saints, our world, family, ourselves, and that God's will, purpose, pleasures and promises come to pass. Our prayers are successful in producing a desired result when we are passionate about God's purpose and living a Godly, sinless and noble life. Souls are being lost because of non prayerful Christians. This world is becoming darker and darker by the day because we haven't said "tag God, you're it". We only have ourselves to blame. We spend far too much time thinking about a new car, new house, clothes, trips, etc. This is where we go wrong because we don't even have to pray for those things. Jesus said seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matt 6:33). Wealth and riches are in his house and his righteousness endures forever. (Psalms 112:3) But the blameless will inherit what is good (Pro. 28:10b). 
This is just a few of many scriptures that shows that God loves you and know what you are in need of. He also knows the desires of your heart. Our job is to first seek the kingdom of God through prayer and living morally in God's standard not man's. We are live righteous, not good. There is a big difference. God has done his part, we must do ours. Prayer is a necessity for us. We can't live without it. To be without prayer is to be blind to me. How can I know my destination without talking to the person I'm meeting? We were created to commune with God. We were created for his pleasure “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are, and were created.” Rev.4:11. 

In Conclusion,

Prayer has to be taken seriously for the life of the believer. Prayer is the power to influence earth from heaven. We were created to fulfill God's purpose & will for our life here on earth. Our will should always line up with God's will. We will only know what "created for his pleasure" mean when we seek him first by reading his word and praying. God gave us authority of earth because he entrusted us to be righteous because we were created in his likeness and image. This means when we are reborn we take on his characteristics, his integrity, his righteousness, his love, his will and his purpose. Our prayer life should reflect this. Let's begin to take our prayer life to a new dimension in him. My goal is to become one with God, to be on one accord with him. The Bible says Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus Phil.2:5 Jesus being 100% man & 100% God was humble, he always put the will of the father before his own. When you read the gospels you see Jesus always praying that the will of the father be done. I purpose to be more like Jesus, so I can be effective while on this earth to help in the saving of souls and the building of the kingdom of God. 
There will be a part 2: How to enter into God's Presence

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Why Do I Still Live Bound If I'm Free From Sin?

First let's begin by explaining what Sin is. Sin is any lack of conformity to the moral law of God, either active or passive, whether in act, thought or disposition. Hamartiology is the study of sin. This tells me if a study is devoted to sin it must have some importance. According to the Christian Bible reference site the word "Sin" is mentioned over 400 times in the Bible. This tells me that God thought it was important to speak on it so often. Therefore if there is a study devoted to it and God says its important then I need to understand it to know what it means to be free from it.

Sin the old ball and chain

Image result for the garden of eden
God created this world sinless. The world was a place of utopia (heaven on earth). Humans were able to talk to animals without fear. Animals ate vegetation, they didn't desire flesh and blood. Can you imagine petting a lion without fear of being eaten. Can you imagine cattle not worrying about being eaten by us. We too had no desire for flesh. All of our food grew on trees. We had no need for clothes because we were clothe in the righteousness of God. This had to be amazing to never feel guilt, shame, fear, low self-esteem, lust, rage, etc. The only feeling were those of peace, joy, serenity, kindness, love, truth, godliness, worship, etc. Just stop and think for a second how different the world would be. There were no religions. It was just God and his creation. We knew who our creator was because we had an intimate relationship with him. There was no interference or competition. Then entered Satan our enemy and God's enemy who was once one of his most treasured Cherubs. 
Bound By Sin
We can't talk about sin without talking about the cause of it. Satan wanted to be like God so he rebelled and took a third of the angels with him. These angels are now called fallen angels. Satan hates us because he has no chance to repent, he will never inherit the kingdom of heaven. His inheritance is to be locked in hell with his fallen angels. Therefore he wants to make sure we never inherit it either. When Adam made the decision to eat the fruit sin entered the world. Having knowledge of what sin was meant you had to choose sin or godliness. We are now all born into sin because of Adam's choice. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God Romans 3:23. God looked down through generations and saw that the law he created with Moses couldn't be kept. There could never be enough animals sacrificed to totally cover our sin. So God sent the ultimate sacrifice, his son Jesus Christ the Messiah. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.John 3:16 This broke the chains of sin on our lives. Instead of being mastered by sin, when we believe and accept Jesus as our Savior we are mastered by righteousness. 

Walking in the Newness of Life

Paul asks a question in Romans 6:1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue to sin, that grace may abound? In layman's terms Paul is asking " So do you think it's o.k to sin since we are now covered under Gods grace?" "Should we sin so his grace can increase more and more?" So before we answer that question let's talk about grace. Grace is the unmerited favor of God. Grace is God showing his mercy, patience, and kindness instead of our just punishment for sin which is death. Grace isn't earned, it's a part of God's character. Remember "For God so loved the world", his heart toward us is to give us a choice to choose him and be free. Now back to Paul's question. In Romans 6:2 he answers his rhetorical question. His answer: God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Again in layman's terms, Paul is saying " God refuses to allow us to walk in sin after his ultimate sacrifice for you to free. Why would you want to live in sin after being freed from it?"
The problem is that Sunday after Sunday we here we can never live up to God's standards. This doesn't mean we should live carelessly. We hear REPENT but we don't hear change and turn. Therefore we cry at the alter repenting but never changing. We get baptized but never open the book on how to live. We barely pray and often don't understand what prayer is. How can we live free from sin when we never open the manual (Bible)? Our mindset should be to love God with all our heart, soul and mind, not for what he can do but for what he already did. When we have a love for God like this our desire changes from a sinful nature to wanting to please God. We have a zeal to read more about him and his standard(will) for our lives. We begin to talk to him more and get to know his character. Then chains begin to fall off because we begin to say GOD I CHOOSE YOU! He already chose us with his sacrifice, now we must choose him to be able to walk in total freedom. We must take the power back from our enemy. Romans 6 (read full chapter) tells us that we must die with Christ and be raised with him by the glory of God . This means that our old sinful nature must die in order that we walk free from sin. Walking free from sin means we no longer serve sin but the father who loves us. We have the victory through Christ's death. We should live everyday manifesting our resurrected life free from sin's control. 
 Image result for servants of righteousnessNow that you know what sin is, where it comes from and what God did to free you from it, Here are some steps you can take to walk in the newness of God and become a servant of righteousness.
  • Read your Bible daily. It doesn't have to be a whole chapter. Start where you are and increase as the spirit leads you.
  • Pray daily, morning, midday and before you sleep. Very important to pray before you sleep. Prayer is just talking to God, nothing fancy.
  • Try to connect yourself with other believers. You will be able to strengthen and encourage one another. In addition, they are seeking the same thing you are which is to live a righteous life. Ungodly people will never steer you towards God and his desire for your life.
  • Always ask God to give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding so you never put your own interpertation  to his Word.
  • Ask God to fill you with his Holy Spirit which will lead and guide you in God's truth. 
As you begin to implement these steps in your life God will begin to reveal himself to you. He will begin to show you the areas that need cleaning. This is what he did for me once I asked him instead of trying to do it on my own. I found that I can only do what God wants through his power. Through him we can do all things. Nothing is impossible with God. The Joy of the Lord will be your strength. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comment section. I look forward to hearing your testimony. 

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Vision Board: Why I Threw Mine Away

My Vision Boards Through the Years
I began making Vision Boards in 2014. Before then I really didn't have any dreams and aspirations, I had low self esteem and self doubt. Let me go back and bring you up to now :) In 2009 God rocked my world by telling me to go to college to be a Teacher. I was at church and the members were giving testimonies. It seemed that every testimony was about education in some manner. Suddenly, I heard a voice say go to school for teaching. I hadn't been thinking about this in any way, shape of form. In fact, I had one more semester before graduating from Community College in Business Information Technology. I questioned God a couple times because I thought he was tripping lol or making a mistake (he never makes mistakes). Then I begin to think what will my husband say and my children are going to think I'm crazy, but God had the final say. I listened, changed my major and graduated from Community College with a Liberal Arts Associates Degree.
In 2010 I enrolled in Marygrove College undergraduate education program. I didn't really know what to expect but I knew God told me to do it. While in the program I was learning so much about myself. I was seeking God more than ever before,  building my relationship with him and continuing to learn who I was in him. In 2013 I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Language Arts and decided to return for my Masters in Education w/certification. I had never really had goals before this, I was just living and hoping to get it right. During this time it became popular to do Vision Boards and I became a big advocate on setting goals and accomplishing them. In the lower left corner is my first vision board for 2014. As you can see I love colors, I put a lot of thought in the final product as I stood in the Dollar Store arts and crafts section. I thought of everything I wanted to accomplish that year and wallah my first vision board was born. This became an annual thing for me as you can see in the top photo.

Image result for the law of attraction     This year I learned about The Law of Attraction and this changed my whole outlook on Vision Boards. The Law of Attraction comes from the New Age Movement. "The New Age comprises countless theologies that often center on religious tolerance.. but it is opposed to the narrow mindedness of Christianity that teaches Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal salvation". (  In this definition we can see that God has nothing to do with this. The Law of Attraction is basically what you focus on consciously and subconsciously will directly effect what you get in life from the universe. What you give your attention to results in what your reality is going to be, you create your happiness. You are in control of your life, you are a god, therefore you have the power to create the outcome of your life. If you focus on negative the universe will give you negative, if you focus on positive the universe will give you positive. Sidenote: The universe is a created thing. The universe along with everything else was created by the Most High God. The universe is not the source of all things. The Law of Attraction has been around a long time. It became popular with the book: The Secret. Jesus says: Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness, we should never be looking or seeking other sources. 

Where is Jesus in all this?

First of all just let me say my blessings come from God not the universe. Jesus has no part in this, therefore God has no part in it. I know this because God told me himself concerning me. I even made a Vision Board this year (bottom right hand corner). I'm a lifelong learner by nature. I research and question God often and most times he answers quickly. When I learned about the Law of Attraction and New Age I didn't even think about the Vision Board. Usually when I learn something new I ponder for a while to allow God to reveal to me his wisdom, knowledge and revelation. I don't ever want to move on my own. As I pondered the Holy Spirit said "Vision Boards" I thought hmmm vision boards. Really? I looked on Youtube and instantly saw a young lady who said God told her to take down the vision board. What really compelled me though was the countless videos on Vision Boards/ Law of Attraction and how to make your board come true. Check for yourself. Then I start seeing Christian Vision Boards. Once again we think because we put the word Christian in front of something (like Yoga) it's of God. God is a jealous God who doesn't like to share. He's in a category all by himself he doesn't need any help. I immediately wept and repented and the next day I got that thing out my house and didn't look back. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the father, but by me. 

I don't want nothing to do with anything that doesn't allow Jesus to the party. Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Where there is no instruction from God the people perish. The vision is God's word, it's not pictures of what you want to come to pass, the same for Habakkuk (write the vision and make it plain), God answered a question that Habakkuk had and told him to write his answer down on tablets and show the people so they would know what GOD said concerning them. How many Vision Boards do you think are direct words from God's mouth? Most boards are our wants and desires that we want to constantly look at in hopes that we get what we want. Don't get me wrong I was like most Christians where Vision Boards are concerned. I always had scriptures on mine. I always had a theme I felt like was God ordained. I made my boards in a way that there was no question who I served. Nevertheless, God still told me to get it out. Remember we always want our will to line up with God's will for our life. Sometimes what we want isn't what God wants no matter how much we ask for it. Our faith is credited to us as righteousness. Our faith is in Jesus Christ and his father, we don't will the universe to work on our behalf, we are not gods, we are the children of God. Yes we can speak things into existence but it should always be led by the Holy Spirit. If you have a Vision Board I'm not judging you. What I am saying is ask if he is pleased with you making them. Once we know better we do better. I still write down everything but not on boards πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
Activation of the demonic realm has nothing to do with your intentions, it has everything to do with your actions. Vision Boards are demonic and can open up a world that you don't want to find yourself mixed up in. 

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Christian Yoga: Does it Really Exist?

Image result for christian yoga Christian Yoga sounds like an oxymoron to me. How can bitter and sweet flow from the same fountain? What does light have to do with darkness? The Bible tells us in Romans 12 not to conform to the ways of the world. Therefore it's not necessarily Godly just because everyone says it's O.K.. In fact it usually means the opposite for believers. God doesn't think like man, the book of Isaiah says that his thoughts are as high as the heavens are from the earth from our thoughts. We often see the world doing things and want to join in but we know that we can't do it exactly like them because God won't be pleased so we think of other ways to make it o.k.. Instead we put the name Christian on it and hand it to God and expect him to take it. Putting the name Christian on sin doesn't make it right, it just makes us look like hypocrites in the world eyes. This makes God disgusted. It's amazing to me that the world knows more about how we should be living than we do. Think of the story of Cain and Abel. They both gave sacrifices unto God but Cain sacrifice wasn't good. God told him that he knew the right thing to do and chose to do otherwise. He wanted to give God what he wanted instead of what God required. This is what Christian Yoga is, Trunk or Treat on Hallelujah Night instead of calling it Halloween, Easter and Christmas. The list goes on and on and God is not pleased with us conforming to the world. We continue to give God what we want instead of what he requires. Practicing Yoga opens the door for demonic possession because you're not on guard when you open your soul up to the spirit realm through the higher consciousness that Yoga promotes. Yoga is also Hinduism. Yoga isn't separate from Hinduism, it is Hinduism. Why would a Christian participate in a Hindu practice?

Yoga's History

Yoga begin as an ancient practice in India thousands of years ago. Yoga hasn't always been popular in the west. Yoga was for the Royals and scholarly class of India in the Middle Ages. It was taught to students and gurus with the passing of many tests. In recent history around 1950's religious leaders in India decided to open the door so that the common man and anyone who wanted could practice Yoga. Yoga is the union of body. mind, and spirit. There are 8 limbs of Yoga: Yama (attitudes towards the environment), Niyama (attitudes toward ourselves), Asana (physical postures) Pranayama (restraint of expansion of the breath), Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses) and Dharana (concentration). When Yoga is performed it encompasses these 8 limbs.

The Source of Yoga

Image result for Lord shivaAccording to Hindu Philosophy lord Shiva is the source of Yoga. Shiva is one of the gods in the Hindu triumvirate. The word Yoga means to "Yoke" or "bind" and is often translated as to "unite". With Yoga, you are taught to do poses or postures in the form of stretching while controlling your breathing to center your mind. These poses are usually named after gods, goddesses and animals. Yoga is connected to the Kundalini Spirit that can be awakened by a Guru. This spirit is nothing to play with. People have gone to the hospital because of vomiting, mental anguish, stomach pains, etc. The spirit world is real and Christians shouldn't be no where near this. The Kundalini Spirit is believed by the Hindu to be wrapped around your spine. Through meditation and breathing techniques you can awaken it and cause it to move until it reaches your pineal gland (third eye). Once you transcend you are able to leave your body, read minds, talk with spirit guides, etc. You may say this is just stretching. I haven't experienced this. This doesn't happen all at once. It takes a lot of meditation. Once you are centered you're able to commune with ungodly spirits that masquerade as angels of light. This is deception 101.

Mystic Meditation

Yoga comes from the school of mysticism. Yoga has a physical side and a spiritual side. Remember the 8 limbs and what they represent. With Yoga you are to bring your breathing under control as you position yourself in a pose. They teach you to bring your mind, body and spirit into unity. As you control your breathing and clear your mind to the point where your guards are down then you can reach the fullness of Yoga and awaken the Kundalini. Many people think they are just stretching, I thought the same thing until I did some studying of my own. I've even went to a couple Yoga classes ignorant of what I was doing. This is a prime example of the scripture "My people parish for a lack of  knowledge". The information is there but many are not looking for it. I question everything, even when I'm afraid of the answer. the Bible says "with all thy getting, get an understanding". We are to question everything. We are to always ask God for guidance because we will mess up every time. We can't lean to our understanding but we must allow God to direct our path. Christian Yoga doesn't exist. If you want to stretch thats fine but don't call it Yoga. If you want to read scriptures or recite scriptures while you stretch thats fine but don't recite repeated mantras and namastes. Stretching is good and also needed for the body, Yoga is not.

Turn and ask for Forgiveness

Whenever I find out that I've done something that goes against what God says I ask for forgiveness. I do this because I never want to grieve God's heart. This is what we do every time we want to follow the status quo of the world. Many say it's not a big deal. Well I beg to differ, my soul is a HUGE deal to me. I'm living with eternity in mind. I don't want to be connected to the enemy in any type of way. I also don't want to help him in his agenda to steal, kill and destroy mankind. Most things are not what they seem, there's always a bigger picture. For this reason we must seek God's revelation knowledge daily for guidance. We must ask for forgiveness daily to be in right alignment with the father. This was just a brief introduction as to why Christians (believers) shouldn't have any part in Yoga or anything else that's not rooted in God. There are many testimonies of people messing with Yoga and found themselves in need of deliverance. This is not to be taken lightly. If you want to reach a higher conscious seek the Holy Spirit. Jesus made sure we had a link to God on the cross. He is the source. God says seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened. You don't have or need to take other avenues that lead to destruction.

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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Brain Atrophy: Our Children are not Being Taught to use Their Brain

Image result for critical thinking brainIn today's society there are few true relationships. In the home children are sat in front of the television while parents do chores. We give charge to the television to teach our children their foundations in learning. They are expected to pay attention to the television and learn their colors, letters, numbers and moral codes from programs like Sesame Street and PBS kids. All the while there is no social interaction between the parent and child except "Good Job" when you here them mumble out a letter. Then we have cellphones and tablets. From the time they're able to use their fingers they have a cellphone put in their hand. They can see all kinds of advertisement sexual, vain conversation, etc. but we don't pay attention. The motto is as long as they are occupied, not bothering me or crying. Our children are screaming for attention because they barely get it. Children don't have to look up words in the dictionary because they speak to the phone. Therefore they don't know how to use a dictionary properly. They don't know to look for the root word because the suffix of "ing, ed" is usually not attached to the word. They don't know how to write complete sentences because they are always texting and making statues on social media in short hand. Their role models are ex-strippers with barely any clothing on who are now rappers in music videos for girls. The boys have rappers talking about sex, demons, drugs and death. In addition to that you have video games that they sit in front of for hours shooting and killing to get to a certain level. Where is the critical thinking process being used? ITS NOT!

In All They Getting, Get an Understanding

Image result for in all thy getting get understandingChildren have to be taught to think critically. Take a look at the above picture. Critical thinking Intel five concepts and they all work together. How can they discover and explore sitting in the corner with a cell phone all day? How they inform and describe when they are not spoken to on an intellectual level? I see it all the time, a family out to eat and every one has their cellphone and no one is talking to each other. Therefore our children vocabulary is very low which makes it hard for them to describe and inform. Everything is so quick that when anything presents a challenge they give up. The challenge is the critical thinking process. God tells us in the Bible how important it is to get an understanding. We must know to ask the: Where, When, How, Why and Who. It is our job as parents to teach our children and not leave it up to Social Media, Television and Schools. Yes I said school and I am a teacher. Teachers are there as an aid to help instill in your child, just like a pastor is there to help you learn what you should already be studying which is the Bible. Learning starts at home. It's our job as parents to teach our children how to read, count, morals, values, the Word, etc. Teachers build on the foundation that parents lay. When a teacher has nothing to start with it makes their job very hard because now they are doing your job and theirs. High priced gym shoes are nice, the most expensive IPhone is cool but God says an understanding should be chosen over Silver and Wisdom is better than Gold. This means if our children don't know how to use their brain to make important decisions in life they are doomed and those gym shoes won't help.

How Can You Help Your Child to Use Their Brain?

Image result for left brain vs right brainIn this picture it shows the difference between the right and left brain. As parents we want to nurture both. In order to do this we must pay attention to our children more and talk with them. We must see what they like, what are their strengths. This is the right brain. You will be surprised how many parents don't know their children strengths and weaknesses. Have your child read for 20 minutes each night and ask them to give you a summary of what they read. That is the left brain. Instead of investing in material things invest in their mind. If you child likes drawing find a drawing class for them or go buy an easel with paint and drawing pencils. If they like to sing find singing classes or a karaoke machine. If you have a boy that likes to fight put him in boxing, karate, etc. where he can learn the art of fighting. Yes there is an art to fighting :) Look up science projects and try them out at home. Write what you think will happen and see what really happens. Sensor what your child listens to such as music, YouTube videos, television, etc. Explain to them why certain music isn't good for them. If you are a parent that listens to that music also (no judgment) you may have to stop and find better music. Your child is at stake. I had to do it when my children were coming up. We watched family movies and shows all the time together. I didn't know what adult T.V. was for a long time πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Please stay true to what you teach your children. When my children were growing up they called me out on it every time. They don't mean any harm and they are not trying to be disrespectful. They are learning from you so they are going to ask why they have to do something and you don't. What I learned from those questions was that they were right. If I wanted them to go to college I needed to go so I did. If I wanted them to love God with all their heart I had live by example so I pressed to do that. If I wanted them to have clean speaking I had to do the same so I completely stopped cursing. I never missed anything I gave up for them because they were my heart. My God given gifts that I had to cherish. I dropped the ball sometimes but I always tried my best to keep it right. I'm a follower of Jesus so I have mentioned God a lot but even if you're not a Christian it is important that you nourish the growth of your child and make sure their brain don't go to waste. Be blessedπŸ’•

When Did It Become Cool To Worship The Devil

 I've been noticing a rise in the "I'm with satan" culture. Many music artists are making videos dressed in satan garb. Ma...