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My Vision Boards Through the Years |
In 2010 I enrolled in Marygrove College undergraduate education program. I didn't really know what to expect but I knew God told me to do it. While in the program I was learning so much about myself. I was seeking God more than ever before, building my relationship with him and continuing to learn who I was in him. In 2013 I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Language Arts and decided to return for my Masters in Education w/certification. I had never really had goals before this, I was just living and hoping to get it right. During this time it became popular to do Vision Boards and I became a big advocate on setting goals and accomplishing them. In the lower left corner is my first vision board for 2014. As you can see I love colors, I put a lot of thought in the final product as I stood in the Dollar Store arts and crafts section. I thought of everything I wanted to accomplish that year and wallah my first vision board was born. This became an annual thing for me as you can see in the top photo.
This year I learned about The Law of Attraction and this changed my whole outlook on Vision Boards. The Law of Attraction comes from the New Age Movement. "The New Age comprises countless theologies that often center on religious tolerance.. but it is opposed to the narrow mindedness of Christianity that teaches Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal salvation". (allaboutspirituality.org) In this definition we can see that God has nothing to do with this. The Law of Attraction is basically what you focus on consciously and subconsciously will directly effect what you get in life from the universe. What you give your attention to results in what your reality is going to be, you create your happiness. You are in control of your life, you are a god, therefore you have the power to create the outcome of your life. If you focus on negative the universe will give you negative, if you focus on positive the universe will give you positive. Sidenote: The universe is a created thing. The universe along with everything else was created by the Most High God. The universe is not the source of all things. The Law of Attraction has been around a long time. It became popular with the book: The Secret. Jesus says: Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness, we should never be looking or seeking other sources.
Where is Jesus in all this?
First of all just let me say my blessings come from God not the universe. Jesus has no part in this, therefore God has no part in it. I know this because God told me himself concerning me. I even made a Vision Board this year (bottom right hand corner). I'm a lifelong learner by nature. I research and question God often and most times he answers quickly. When I learned about the Law of Attraction and New Age I didn't even think about the Vision Board. Usually when I learn something new I ponder for a while to allow God to reveal to me his wisdom, knowledge and revelation. I don't ever want to move on my own. As I pondered the Holy Spirit said "Vision Boards" I thought hmmm vision boards. Really? I looked on Youtube and instantly saw a young lady who said God told her to take down the vision board. What really compelled me though was the countless videos on Vision Boards/ Law of Attraction and how to make your board come true. Check for yourself. Then I start seeing Christian Vision Boards. Once again we think because we put the word Christian in front of something (like Yoga) it's of God. God is a jealous God who doesn't like to share. He's in a category all by himself he doesn't need any help. I immediately wept and repented and the next day I got that thing out my house and didn't look back. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the father, but by me.
I don't want nothing to do with anything that doesn't allow Jesus to the party. Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Where there is no instruction from God the people perish. The vision is God's word, it's not pictures of what you want to come to pass, the same for Habakkuk (write the vision and make it plain), God answered a question that Habakkuk had and told him to write his answer down on tablets and show the people so they would know what GOD said concerning them. How many Vision Boards do you think are direct words from God's mouth? Most boards are our wants and desires that we want to constantly look at in hopes that we get what we want. Don't get me wrong I was like most Christians where Vision Boards are concerned. I always had scriptures on mine. I always had a theme I felt like was God ordained. I made my boards in a way that there was no question who I served. Nevertheless, God still told me to get it out. Remember we always want our will to line up with God's will for our life. Sometimes what we want isn't what God wants no matter how much we ask for it. Our faith is credited to us as righteousness. Our faith is in Jesus Christ and his father, we don't will the universe to work on our behalf, we are not gods, we are the children of God. Yes we can speak things into existence but it should always be led by the Holy Spirit. If you have a Vision Board I'm not judging you. What I am saying is ask if he is pleased with you making them. Once we know better we do better. I still write down everything but not on boards 😂😂😂.
Activation of the demonic realm has nothing to do with your intentions, it has everything to do with your actions. Vision Boards are demonic and can open up a world that you don't want to find yourself mixed up in.
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