very morning I give my students a "Writing of the Day" assignment for Bell work. I'm a 5th grade teacher for those who don't know. The writing assignment is always something to edify them as an individual. This is the time I take to teach Character Building. About 2 weeks ago I wrote about "Obedience is better than Sacrifice". When I first read this in scripture I was confused on what it really meant. I was confused because in the old testement they gave sacrifices for forgiveness of their sin. So why would God say this? I thought. Then I had a 💡moment :) God showed me that we sacrifice so many blessings because of our disobedience to him. There are numerous times in scripture when God gave instructions on what to do and after he explained the blessing of following the commandment. Usually the person receiving the instruction would start off right but then begin to think on their own and stir themselves to destruction.

his is exactly what happened in 1Samuel 15th chapter. God gave Saul instructions and he decided to put his twist to what God had commanded him.
1 Samuel 15:20-21 New King James Version (NKJV)
20 And Saul said to Samuel, “But I have obeyed the voice of the Lord, and gone on the mission on which the Lord sent me, and brought back Agag king of Amalek; I have utterly destroyed the Amalekites. 21 But the people took of the plunder, sheep and oxen, the best of the things which should have been utterly destroyed, to sacrifice to the Lord your God in Gilgal.” We can see in this scripture that Saul thought that he had obeyed God's command. He felt it didn't hurt to let the people bring some sheep and oxen back. They was bringing it back to give to God. That's not bad right? Wrong! Neither did it hurt to allow the King of Amalek to live so why murder him? The answer is because GOD SAID SO! God gave Saul 2 instructions: 1.Go and destroy the sinners the Amalekites and all that they have, don't spare any humans or any animals period. 2. Fight against them until they are consumed.
The underlined portion Saul didn't obey. Saul listened to the people and allowed them to do what God instructed them not to do. This caused God to reject him because he rejected God's instructions. Saul lost his Kingship because God regretted choosing him for this position. In addition, God allowed an evil spirit to torment him which ultimately made way for David to replace him as king.
We Often Make the Same Choices
We endure so many hardships because our decision not to obey God which is ultimately rejecting him. We have sickness that comes from the way we eat. God shows us in the Bible the best way to eat but we sacrifice our health for pleasure. When the reaping time comes from how we treated our body we want to call on God for healing. We believe him for healing but we don't trust him when he gives us the instruction to bypass illness. I'll be the first to raise my hand in this scenario. Women are treated badly by men because they sacrifice Godly happiness and peace for sexual pleasures. Raising my hand again. I went through so much pain in relationships because I didn't want to wait for God. I chose men that God didn't. When I finally did get with the man God chose we both had to be broken down and rebuilt. We both had chosen things and went through situations that caused us not to be the man and woman God called us to be. We had to be sent back to the manufacture, get refurbished and sent back out. This blog would go on and on if I shared with you all the times I rejected God's way for my way, society way, family way, etc.

Now this is my prayer. I learned from my bad decisions. There was no one to blame but me. I put myself in the situations not God. I surrendered my will unto his and saw what his purpose was for me. I realized that he was my creator. He created me for a reason and he had a good life laid out for me before I decided to go my way. I'm so thankful for his grace and mercy. I'm also over the moon estatic that Jesus died for my sins because I never want to be completely cut off from the father. When we rebel against God, he sees it as witchcraft. When we are stiffnecked (stubborn) he sees it as iniquity (living in our sin) and idolatry (putting something in place of him). He throws his hands up and says " You know best so I give you over to your depravity". He allows us to live the way we choose. I'm grateful I realized I was his workmanship and not my own. I'm grateful that I realized he knows what's best for my life. I'm grateful that I realized he had plans for me to have success and a future in him. Now I'm not just living but I'm purposefully living.

If this is you please stop now and turn to God. If you find yourself failing in many areas of your life, STOP NOW! If you find yourself going through the same situations over and over again, STOP NOW! If you find yourself feeling worthless with no purpose for living, STOP NOW! If you find yourself feeling sadness more that happiness, STOP NOW! If you feel whatever you do there is no peace or joy in your life, STOP NOW! We bypass so many DO NOT ENTER signs and try it anyway. Please don't bypass this one. Turn back to God and allow him to lead your life. The Bible says seek the Kingdom of Heaven and everything else will be added to you. He will give you the desires of your heart (that line up with him of course😊). I know this through experience. I've seen so many changes in my husband and I after surrendering to God. Our relationship was a daily struggle filled with mental abuse and unhappiness. Now we look forward to seeing eachother everyday. He is my bestie❤ We enjoy each others company, he keeps a smile on my face. This is not because of me or him but because we surrendered and allowed God to fix what we couldn't. I went from working at Coney Island restaurant to having a Masters in Education and being a certified teacher. I look forward to whatever else God has planned for me. This is not because I'm smart or strong but because I stopped trying to make a purpose for living and allowed God to show me my original purpose that I was created for. God is waiting on you to come to him. He loves you so much. Matter of fact it is his pleasure to lead you into life of righteousness which brings happiness. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments. I would love to converse with you and share my testimony😊