Sunday, January 6, 2019

Meditation: Time Alone with God

 God speaks a lot on Meditation in his word. the Bible speaks of meditation over 20 times. This says to me that meditation is important to God and should be important to me. You ever heard of the saying If you don't use, it you lose it? This is why we often see in the Bible God's people worshiping idols and living sinful lives to the point that God turned away from them.  They didn't meditate on God so they lost that closeness to him they once had. This wasn't because he left them. God is always there waiting for us to commune with him, but many times he's left waiting on the corner with his date never showing up. We stand him up countless times and he's still saying I'm ready when you are. This is how much he loves his creation (you/me). He tells us to constantly meditate to keep his commands written on our heart so that we won't be slaves to sin. He knows that the enemy/satan is waiting to devour, kill and destroy us at first chance. Without meditating we will be easily overtaken by the tricks of the enemy even though he does the same thing over and over. We fall for it over and over because we are not rooted and planted in his word through meditation and other warfare tools. Today we will only speak on meditation.
When you constantly talk about something it's practically always on your mind. It becomes a part of you. This is what God is trying to convey to us. Allow him to be apart of you, not just someone you know of. Imagine your spouse or significant other never speaking to you when they came home. Maybe the two of you never spend quality time together. You don't know what each other likes, favorite foods, movies, colors, goals and aspirations are. Both of you are just in a relationship without love and affection. If we never meditate on God's word we are just there without truly knowing God's character. Meditation means that you're prioritizing God in your plans. You're making him first because you want to know more about him and feel his presence. This brings happiness to God's heart. He will begin to share his mysteries with you. He will begin to blow your mind the more time you spend with him.

  Reading vs. Meditation                                                            
Reading the Bible and Meditating on the Word are two different things. Reading the Bible is very essential for our daily walk with God. I'm in no way saying that reading God's word is a minute act. I'm saying that reading accompanied with meditation is an abundance of God's word and characteristics. Reading the Bible is kind of like just seeing the surface. I sometimes read a whole book of the Bible because I love reading God's word, but I don't digest the whole book. I get bits and parts, I experience his word but not the fullness of it. Meditating on God's word is penetrating and digesting it. You are prioritizing God into your schedule to be with him alone in a quiet place. You're opening yourself up to hear from God. This can be one verse you're meditating on. I have a link to a video I think will help you understand more at the end of this blog. Reading the Bible is like eating a plate of food but not really savoring it. Meditation is like eating a bite of food that you savor. You taste every seasoning that was put in it, you feel the tenderness of the meat against your teeth, you chew it slowly to make this moment last. Finally you extract every nutrient out of that one bite. You become one with the food.

Meditation Keeps You
Just reading the word is AWESOME! Nevertheless, it isn't always enough to hold you when troubles, predicaments, bills, temptation, failures, illness, etc. come your way. Because they will certainly come your way and when they do a lot of us fold because we're not planted due to poor nutrients/no meditation. Through meditation we see the fullness of God. We see HIM👆for the Almighty God he is. We realize through him we can do all things. We see that the joy from him is our strength. We begin to believe that all things are possible because of our love for him. Through meditation our love, faith and obedience is strengthened. We become spiritually strong able to endure what comes our way because we know that he is with us in every step. We begin to rejoice in trials because we realize that trials produce perseverance and perseverance produces character and character produces hope. In addition our hope doesn't disappoint us because we know that God poured out his love for us with giving his only begotten son, that if we believe in him we will have everlasting life👆💖💖.  In this highlighted section I just gave you a glimpse of what meditating on God's word does. Everything in yellow can be found in scripture in the Bible. I'm simply regurgitating what is in me through reading, studying, meditating and prayer. Notice I didn't just say meditation. Believers must use all our tools in the arsenal that God has given us.  

In Conclusion, 
Begin to read scriptures on meditation and see why it's so important to God and detrimental for our spiritual growth. The reason for doing this is to know your WHY. You never want to begin anything without knowing why are you doing it. You have to dig down and see what do you want from God. You may want to know if he's real, ask him to lead you and guide you to the true him and not what everyone else is saying but what he's saying. You may want to have a closeness to him and he always feel so far away. Then during your meditation time tell him you want to feel his Holy Spirit. You want to know that he's there. What I'm saying is that whatever you want from God, ASK. He is your primary source. Videos, Blogs, Vlogs, Church etc. are secondary sources. The advice I'm giving you I have experienced myself. I've been weak & malnutrition in the word and I've been strong and victorious in the Word. We determine our position in the kingdom. What this video if you need help with beginning meditation It's not Yoga just in case you was wondering😃 

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