This is the question asked by many. We have just walked out of 2018 and into 2019. A year filled with limitless possibilities. With God nothing is impossible. Still many have entered 2019 with depression, low self esteem, self-doubt and wondering "What's the Point?". I was the same way most of my life. My mother was a drug addict, my grandmother had to raise me the best she could. I didn't have many of the things I wanted growing up. I often wondered "What's the Point?" "Why was I born?" What change could I possibly make in this world?" I wasn't able to answer these questions until I totally surrendered to God. God will sometimes allow havoc in your life to push you to him. He called me to him at a time where I was out of options. I had no choice but to go to him. I felt empty and void of purpose and happiness.

When I totally surrendered to God he began to activate my purpose. I felt I had nothing to offer, he said I did. I felt I was ugly, fat, and stupid, he said I was beautiful, his workmanship and intelligent. Whatever negative I had for myself, God countered with a positive until I began to believe it. I told God I would not allow fear to stop me. Have I been scared? YES! Have I questioned his choices for me? YES! but I still continued to press on. In the Bible God tells us once we offer ourselves to him we will know what his will is for our life.
Romans 12:1-3 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
I have found this to be true. I went day after day not really knowing what to do. I tried to do different things to be successful or responsible. None of those things stuck because they weren't Gods will.

God led me to go to school for teaching. I was terrified. I didn't believe I could do it. I thought maybe he was playing (just kidding). Seriously though, I was scared but I believed and trusted him. Now I have a Master's in Education and I'm a certified teacher and I LOVE I! I could get up everyday and go even if it wasn't a paying job. The funny thing is that I wanted to be a teacher as a small child. I allowed the worries of life and self doubt (which comes from the enemy) to steal my dream. God brought it back at just the right time. It doesn't matter how old you are. I graduated from college at 43. God just showed me what he had already put inside me before birth. All the odds was stacked against me. I was born addicted to drugs. My mother went to jail. My grandmother had to raise me. I had no father to learn from. I became pregnant at 16. I dropped out of high school at 17. I began college at 31. I had low self-esteem, self doubt and fear. Those were my thorns. What are yours? I said all that to say that if God led me, he will lead you if you allow him. Don't allow another year to go by being ineffective in this world. God wants to use you for greatness. He is waited for you to put your hand in his. This is a new year. What will you make of it? If you don't know your purpose, quit spinning your wheels and allow God to show you. If you do know your purpose, GET BUSY! We only have so much time here. We don't know when we will take our last breath. I look forward to your greatness.

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