For a long time when I first started going back to church in my 20's I thought that being Holy meant being perfect or close to it. I knew that God was perfect, he has no flaw in him. Therefore I assumed if he's perfect what I thought to mean holy, then I must strive to be perfect. I believe this is the mindset of many. For this reason people will say "I have to get myself together, then I'll come". Can I just tell you that it is impossible to get yourself together righteously without God through Jesus. You can try everyday to be perfect and because of the fallen state of mankind you will never achieve it without Jesus Christ. In addition, even after being born again through the Holy Spirit it is not in our power that the changes come but it is he that is within us that make the increase. We also don't become perfect, we become righteous through justification from Jesus taken the penalty for our sin. We were cleared of the charges so we become right but not perfect because we are still housed in this fleshly body. Okay, I know you are now wondering " so what does it mean to be holy?" Let's do a little research and find out.
The Old Testament: Children of Israel
God left us his Holy Scriptures for a reason. It is our instruction manual on how to walk in Holiness by being Righteous through the power of the Holy Spirit. We were lost but now we are found through the redemptive power of the Blood of Yeshua/Jesus. We are not to be conformed to this world and it's systems. We walk by Faith, which is our Trust in God and not by what we see. We are Children of God and citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. We have the constitution of Heaven here on earth (The Holy Bible). Our Bible is unlike any other book on earth because it is inspired by the creator of Heaven and Earth, the Most High God. Nothing was created without him. He is the First and the Last, the Beginning and End, the Alpha and Omega. Don't be fooled by the message of living your truth, there is an Absolute Truth. God. If God didn't say it, it's not Truth. God said My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. (Hosea 4:6) Please Read the Bible and build a relationship with the one true God through Jesus, walk in his ways and his statutes. Be Set Apart. Remember if God didn't say it, It's not True. The only way you will know is to search his instruction book.