Friday, December 28, 2018

Information Overload: Don't allow knowledge to weaken your faith

In todays society there is A LOTTT of information at our fingertips. We have You Tube, Blogs, Vlogs, Facebook, etc. It's all rushing toward us like a freight train. Before, we went to church, prayed and read our Bible. We knew what we were taught and pretty much stayed within those lines. Well that's pretty much how I was anyway. I loved God and his people. I loved serving in anyway I could at church. I loved learning God's word from the Bible Teachers and sermons. Don't get me wrong I read my Bible but God was still molding and shaping me to be who I am today. Basically I was still drinking milk and hadn't yet switched over to solid food.

Milk vs. Solid Food

1 Peter 2:2
Like newborn infants, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, Milk is the basics of our faith pretty much. You're in the process of building your faith, coming out of the dark into the marvelous light. You're coming from the world (satan's kingdom) and allowing God to transform your thinking by renewing your mind and adopting you into his family (God's kingdom).
Who God is as our Creator.
What Jesus (Yahshua) did on the cross at Calvary. 
The Gospel (Good News)
The meaning of sin vs. righteousness. 
How to activate your faith. 
Strengthening your prayer life. 
How to hear from God. 
The difference btwn God, Jesus and Holy Spirt (just to name a few)

Solid Food is now living out what you've been taught and building on that foundation. You are no longer bouncing back and forth from the world and Jesus. You have made a conscious decision to give your life as living sacrifice unto God (Rom.12:1,2). You cannot transition over to meat until you're foundation is solid in the basic principles. If you transition to early you can get killed spiritually and cause the same fate for others. Meaning it's easy for your faith to get shattered. Hebrews 5:12 Although by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to reteach you the basic principles of God's word. You need milk, not solid food!
What Paul is saying in this scripture is that they have been under his teachings long enough to be ready to teach others, but he can see through their lifestyle they're not ready. Please don't misunderstand being ready to eat meat (being a mature Christian) has nothing to do with time. By the world systems we are an mature adult at 21. How many mature 21 year olds do you know? Some are and some are not. It's the same in the body of Christ. You can be a believer for 20 yrs and be a milk drinking Christian. It all stems on your growth. Are you stagnant? Growing slowly? Growing fast?

As you Mature you will begin to go to new levels in God. He loves us and wants to reveal his world to us more and more which is our new inherited home. This is where information overload can come in.  W.H. Auden says this about information overload "The greatest problem of today is how to teach people to ignore the irrelevant, how to refuse to know things, before they are suffocated. For too many facts are as bad as none at all."   Woolfson says: "an excess of information that results in the loss of ability to make decisions, process information expeditiously, and prioritize tasks effectively."
You will definitely develop a hunger for God and his word. This usually involves looking up information on the internet
You have sooo much coming at you at once. Remember the freight train🚄 There are many sources of information and it will certainly feel like drinking from a fire hydrant. This is why we always make sure we NEVER LEAN TO OUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. Proverbs 3:5,6.   5Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. 6In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.There are people on the internet that have no interest in knowing our God or following his word. There are also people who want to please God in every way. Both groups of people may have the same knowledge but distribute it based on their paradigm. This mean they are giving you their view. Remember the only view you should desire is God's view. Any information you receive is secondary. God is Primary. I myself have to constantly remind myself of this because I'm a researcher by design. 
When you feel yourself questioning too much take a break. When you feel overwhelmed take a break. There is a lot you need to know in this day and time. This is the premise of this blog. God wants to enlightened his people in these endtimes so we are prepared for whats to come. He is awakening us to a lot of history behind what we thought to be true. There is a vast amount of information that has been kept from us. This is not a race issue either just in case your mind went there😊 We trusted what had been taught in schools and churches which a lot had been watered down or information omitted. The teachers are not to blame, nor are the pastors. Most of them are teaching what they were taught. Now its time to think outside the box because God isn't in a box. God is infinite. What has been omitted God is now bringing it to light because it is valuable information. BUT Please don't allow it to weaken your faith. Allow it to strengthen you by pushing you closer to God. If by any means you ever feel your foundation crumbling STOP AND PRAY!!! THE ENEMY COMES TO STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY. DON'T GIVE HIM VICTORY. Always use wisdom when studying anything spiritual. If you feel an urging to STOP! Then stop reading because it could be that you're not ready for the information. It could be that it's coming from a demonic source. 
Remember the definitions above. You must have an inner ability to ignore the irrelevant. I have that ability because my calling is to gather the facts and teach others. I get information from sources that I wouldn't suggest others go. The spiritual realm is serious. We must always be prayed up. Plead the blood over your mind, eyes, ears and mouth. Ask God to give you revelations from him and guard you from ungodly sources. I will explain more on that in later blogs. Don't allow anything to separate you from Jesus!! If you feel you can't make a decision because of too much information Turn It Off! Remember God is Primary all others secondary

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Bitter Sweet: What God says about Alcohol

The question thats commonly asked from new Christians: Is it a sin to drink wine/Alcohol? God gives us clear instructions on how to conduct ourselves as children of God. Sometimes its hard to understand what he's really saying with so many different views. So lets go to the Bible and sort this out.
Ecc 9:7-8 7Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a cheerful heart, for God has already approved your works: 8“Let your clothes always be white, and never spare the oil for your head.”…

Num 6:20 The priest shall then wave them as a wave offering before the LORD. This is a holy portion for the priest, in addition to the breast of the wave offering and the thigh that was presented. After that, the Nazirite may drink wine.

Ecc. 2:24 Nothing is better for man than to eat and drink and enjoy his work. I have also seen that this is from the hand of God.

In these scriptures we see that it is permissible for God's people to drink 🍷 We can see in these scriptures that after you have done God's work or God approved work which are sometimes two different things, you can enjoy a glass of wine. These scriptures also tell us that he wants us to enjoy life. We don't have to live uptight scared to do anything, but this definitely doesn't give us the go ahead to do everything. I will expound on that shortly.

What is God's Work?
God's work is in ministry in some form. It could be in the assembly of the saints or out in the world. This is usually doing what you are called to do by God. It will most likely include using your predestined gifts that you were enabled with before birth. God approved work could be your regular 9-5 job. A God approved job would be a job that doesn't cause you to disobey him. This also could be work around your home, gardening, taking care the kids, etc. sidenote: Your calling could be to raise your two children or it could be to evangelize the world. Never look down on what God called you to do. 

God also warns against excessive drinking. The drinking the Bible speaks of in the scriptures above is moderate drinking. You will notice in Ecclesiastes 9:8 He said let your clothes always be white. We should not drink enough to cause us to act out of character. We are to be a billboard for Jesus at all times which mean we must stay sober minded. Yes it is possible to drink and stay sober minded😀 I was surprised to see that it is so many scriptures on drinking alcohol. We have no excuse to live in error. With that being said let's see what he says about excessive drinking. 

Excessive Drinking
Prov. 20:1 Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, And whoever is intoxicated by it is not wise. intoxicated(of alcoholic drink or a drug) cause (someone) to lose control of their faculties or behavior. 

Eph. 5:18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to reckless indiscretion. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. drunk affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behavior.

Isa. 28.7 These also stagger from wine and stumble from strong drink: Priests and prophets reel from strong drink and are befuddled by wine. They stumble because of strong drink, muddled in their visions and stumbling in their judgments.(unable to do their God given purpose)

Pro. 23:29-35
29Who has woe?(sorrow or distress) Who has sorrow?(regret, misery)
         Who has contentions?(heated arguments, discord) Who has complaining?
         Who has wounds without cause?
         Who has redness of eyes? 
30Those who linger long over wine,
         Those who go to taste mixed wine. 
31Do not look on the wine when it is red,
         When it sparkles in the cup,
         When it goes down smoothly; 
32At the last it bites like a serpent
         And stings like a viper. 
33Your eyes will see strange things
         And your mind will utter perverse things. 
34And you will be like one who lies down in the middle of the sea,
         Or like one who lies down on the top of a mast. 
35“They struck me, but I did not become ill;
         They beat me, but I did not know it.
         When shall I awake?
         I will seek another drink.”
We see in these scriptures that excessive drinking isn't good in any type of way. I've highlighted what I believe will enlighten you on excessiveness of being impaired in any type of way. 💊🍷🍃

Offices in the Bible not allowed to drink

1Tim. 3:1-31This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop (pastor, elder, overseer), he desireth a good work. 2A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 3Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;

Tit. 1:5-95For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you, 6namely, if any man is above reproach, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion. 7For the overseer must be above reproach as God’s steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain, 8but hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled, 9holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.

Pastors/ Bishops/Elders/Overseers should never drink wine. This is instructed by God. 

In Conclusion, God calls us to a standard. We are to always show Christ in all we do. Our character should never be questioned because we represent God. The blood that Christ shed should never be in vain. We are permitted to drink but not to the point of intoxication. If you know you are not able to stop at a couple glasses just don't do it. It isn't worth your character. The word says that everything is permissible but is it beneficial for you. We should not be mastered by anything or anyone (1 Cor.6:12). Jesus came to give us freedom from sin. Drinking excessively turns your merriment to a sin. So drink wisely my friend😉

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

History of Christmas Decorations: Jesus or Pagan

Before I started this blog I knew that Christmas was from pagan roots like most things. I felt as long as my heart was on Jesus I was fine. God showed me that wasn't so. But I didn't know that everything about Christmas came from idols. The only thing we added was a different name calling it Christmas instead of Saturnalia. We also added Jesus instead of Tammuz, Baal, Molech. We think we did something by them including us in their festivities. The more I studied the more I became disgusted. Remember I'm only speaking for myself. I don't judge anyone because like I said this is my first year not celebrating it. It was not easy by any means either, but the more I studied the easier it became. I learned so much and really understood why God asked me "Why do I have to share?" He's right! Why should the Almighty creator and his son who came in flesh and died for our sins share with idols? This is demonic wrapped up in angelic. I know some will say  "In my heart I celebrate Jesus💗". Gods answer to that is I told you don't celebrate as the heathen do (Duet.12:4, Jer.10:2). Don't look at them and say "I will do that very same thing" but say it's for God. When we do that we are only fooling ourselves. The occult know that this is their holiday. To this day they still do spells around this time. A lot of my information came from their websites. Some of them even use Bible scriptures to justify their sun god. Everyone know Christians shouldn't have a part in this but the Christians. We must stand apart and not be conformed to the world any longer. Below I have given the history of Christmas decorations. I just want to give you a full picture before you decide. Please feel free to comment and ask questions.
Santa and Krampus
Santa Claus ability to fly through the sky comes from Ancient Greek & Egyptian Mythology. In Egyptian Mythology the sun god Osirus was born Dec 25. During his sunbirth anniversary he would ride through on his chariot. In Greek mythology the sun god Helios is also said to be born on Dec.25th and on his sunbirth anniversary rode through the sky on his chariot pulled by horses.   
 St Nicholas was said to be a gift-giver from Church history and folklore,  St Nicholas (known in Dutch as Sinterklaas), then merged with the English character Father Christmas and finally created the  character known to Americans and the rest of the English-speaking world as "Santa Claus" In other parts of the world Krampus was known to accompany Santa Claus for any children that was bad. He was a demon that would punish the bad children while Santa gave gifts to the good children. In Germany they still have Krampus parades and festivals. 
The Christmas Tree
The Fir tree was said to be magical because it stayed green all year long. It was decorated with fruit in some cultures to symbolize new life because of the sun rebirth. In other cultures they decorated it with 12 candles to honor the sun god. Today we sing to it (Oh Christmas Tree) just like they did in pagan rituals. This sun god worship has been going on since before Jesus came. In Jeremiah 10:2-5, God is reprimanding the Israelites for worshiping trees and hanging silver and gold on them. God isn't talking about a "Christmas tree" because Christ wasn't on the scene. He was talking about the tree they had cut down to take in their homes to worship. God said we should have no other god before him. Nevertheless we put everything before his commandments.
God says NO! to this in his word📖
 I couldn't believe I had never been taught about this scripture at church. I also hadn't learned that the sun god that's in the Bible is celebrated on Dec.25th. I'm not saying church is wrong of bad. I learned so much during my time at church. What I am saying is that it's so much we don't get taught. A lot of it is pure ignorance because no questions are being asked. We just do what they tell us to do without questioning it. Then we grow up to pastor and do the same thing. The cycle continues. We parish for the lack of knowledge. Why do we celebrate this? Is it in the Bible? Do I feel God is leading me to do this? Is this Jesus birthday and if not when is his birthday? Are we instructed to celebrate  his birthday? etc. We just do without thinking. I'm the first to raise my hand✋
Christmas Bulbs
The ornaments represent the testicles of the sun god that went on the shaft of the erected tree. No pun intended😕
Boughs of Holly
They would use this to decorate their homes as an offering to the fertility god/sun god. In Britian they decorated their homes with it to invite spirits in. "Romans sent boughs of holly and gifts to their friends during Saturnalia, a custom which early Christians adopted" (witchipedia) Saturn is worshipped as the sun god, thus you have Saturnalia. Saturnalia was a time of drunkedness, orgies, sacrifices and gifts. I don't believe Jesus would want to be associated with this. Holly is still used at "Yule" to bring spirits into the occult homes. 
This is a picture my husband and I took a few years ago. Looking at the smile on my face, you can see how much I loved this time of year. The mistletoe has long been believed to have magical powers. It was said to have the ability to heal wounds and increase fertility. The Celtic people offered it up to their gods. During Saturnalia the Romans hung mistletoe all over and had their orgies because it was said to increase fertility. Sooo this is why we kiss under the mistletoe. 
Yule log
Yule, the winter solstice, is a time of great symbolism and power. It marks the return of the sun, when the days finally begin to get a little longer. Yule Is from Dec 21st- Jan 1st. The Yule log was burned for 12 days as that was the length of Saturnalia. In Scandinavia they would sacrifice animals or slaves each night in the fire to keep spirits away and celebrate Tammuz the sun god.
After knowing all this can you continue to celebrate this holiday that has nothing to do with Jesus. He is definitely not the reason for the season.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas: Celebrating the Sun of God

In my previous post I shared with you why I don't celebrate Christmas anymore. I've also discontinued other holidays but that will be in future posts. Don't get me wrong its not the most easiest thing to do. When you've been practicing something for years and then you're enlightened of its evil history...uhmm😳 Mind blowing is the best way to explain it. I would have never thought Jesus birth would be connected to such grotesque things. When I finish explaining where this originates, you will see why God wants no part of it. First things first: The son/sun birth( Jesus has been put in a place held by many)
These are all names of Pagan sun-gods from different cultures and as you can see they have inserted Jesus in the mix. Please note: Jesus does not belong on this grid and I'll so you why shortly. The sun-god dates back to Nimrod💬Noah's great grandson. He was said to be a great hunter and a mighty one in the earth Genesis 10:9-11. His name means "Let us Rebel/Revolt". He is said to have married Semiramis which some say was his mother( this would mean he and his mother had a sexual relationship). He is responsible for the tower of Babel in the Bible. Nimrod was killed and his wife/mother said that his spirit had came back and impregnated her. She bore a son Tammuz who is also named in the Bible in Ezekiel 8:13-15. God was angry at the worship of him. (Please read for yourself) If you look at the picture, Tammuz is at the bottom right corner. The Babylonians believed that Nimrod was a god and his son Tammuz was a son of the "sun god" which made him a sun god. December 25th date is important because they believe that the "sun" is reborn on this day. According to Gregorian Calendar the Winter Solstice falls on Dec 21st or 22nd.

Winter Solstice 
As the Winter Solstice approaches from the Northern Hemisphere the days become shorter and shorter until it reaches the shortest day of the year. On this day the sun stops moving south for three days. On December 25th the sun moves north one degree and they call this the "rebirth of the sun/son" (the day the son of god is born). On December 25th the "sun god" is worshipped still today for those who think this is the just the good ole days. There are many civilizations that worship the sun god but they use different names. Oh yeah💭Semiramis was considered the virgin that birthed a god. Are you tying it together yet? All this was practiced before Jesus came.

Civilizations and their "gods"

Babylonia  ------   Semiramis  &  Nimrod----- Tammuz
Phonecia    ------   Isis              &  Osiris----- Horus
Greece       ------   Ashtoreth   &   Baal ----- Cupid note: Ashtoreth/Ishtar is where Easter originates
Rome        ------     Venus        &   Cupid (Valentine's Day originates)
Greek       ------    Zues            & Maia------ Hermes

What I've shown above is the Mother god, Father god and son/sun god. If you look at the picture you will some of these names, but my point is that all these gods are the same sun god with different names. They are all celebrated on December 25th during the "rebirth" of the sun. In my next post I will explain all the decorations that go with these festivities.

How does Jesus tie in? 😃 Glad you asked.
Long Long story short, "It was a custom of the heathen to celebrate on the same 25th of December the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity. In these solemnities and festivities the Christians also took part." (Syrian scholiast) Also,Mario Righetti, a renowned Catholic liturgist, writes, "the Church of Rome, to facilitate the acceptance of the faith by the pagan masses, found it convenient to institute the 25th December as the feast of the temporal birth of Christ. In order to gain more Christians by title only they named Dec.25 for the birthdate of Jesus. The Roman Catholic Church established the Madonna and child as the latest manifestation of the Queen of Heaven and her son. The Pagans made no compromises, they didn't need to, they just came and worshipped their new deities because it fitted in nicely with what they already believed. This is not his actual birthday which was done purposely. The Christians fell right in with the pagan worship just like the Israelites were doing all through the Bible. Monkey see Monkey do and now it is the tradition of the world.🌍

In Conclusion
Jesus is not the reason for this season at all. The only difference is that today it is called Christmas instead of Saturnalia. This holiday is centered solely around the worship of the sun. This is still practiced today by the occult. For some reason God's people seem to be the only ones in the dark and/or willing to push God aside to celebrate with the world. 

Monday, December 24, 2018

Why I No Longer Celebrate Christmas

I've always loved Christmas since a little girl. I loved everything about Christmas: lights, tree, decorations, music and most of all the gifts:) Christmas was a time of year that I always looked forward to, even as an adult. I love to give to others: my husband, children, friends, co-workers, etc. I was never really worried about myself, it was always the thought that mattered to me. I was baptized at eight years old, so the majority of my life has been in the church. I really began building a personal relationship with God in my 20's. From there he began to open up a whole new world for me. I loved God and his wonders. I loved how much he loved us to send his son for our sins, which we totally wasn't worthy of by the way. Therefore Christmas became even more important to me because it was a time to celebrate his birth. Nevertheless, Christmas had another side to it that wasn't so lovely. This time of year became very stressful because my money didn't add up with what my husband and I wanted to give my children. I would sometimes pay my bills late or charge up credit cards to give them the Christmas I felt they deserved. This also at times caused division between my husband and I because he wanted to spend wisely and me not so much:). I always wanted to give presents that people wanted because most are not like me believing its the thought that counts. In addition, children always have a list that they want accomplished by Dec 25. My thoughts would be "How will they feel if they don't get what they want?" "I want them to have a good Christmas."and so on.

I began to feel like Jesus wasn't the "reason for the season". He's not showcased on the commercials. The latest toy, high priced jewelry, expensive cars, etc. But where's Jesus who's supposed to be the reason for all of this. About three years ago God pulled me away from my church of about 15yrs or more. I loved my church and my church family. I cried, I didn't totally understand, but after much prayer my husband and I left. Now I know God did that so that he could pull me aside to teach me what I wouldn't have learned there and lead me to a greater calling. God has taught me so much since then, but so I don't bore you, that will come with future posts:)
Last year I began researching the origin of Christmas because I heard a prophet speak on the Christmas tree. This study went for hours. God taught me so much. I learned that the Christmas tree was from sun-god worship. They were not called Christmas trees at all. Jeremiah 10:2-5 speaks of the tree and decorations for idol worship. This was before Jesus ever came to the earth. They put the trees in their homes celebrating the winter solstice and fertility. The Christmas balls/ornaments represented the testicles of the sun god. The star on the tree represents the sun rays from the sun god. The 12 days of Christmas comes from the 12 days of Saturnalia where they had orgies, became drunk, and sacrificed humans and animals. This lasted for 12 days. I can never think of that song the same way again:(
I will go into more detail in my next blog of what everything tied to Christmas mean. Let's just say Jesus is not at the center of it.
This year will be my first year not celebrating Christmas in any type of way. This was hard for me because I have two grand babies. I even thought "Man God why you tell me this now, lol:)"but maybe it's because he doesn't want another generation thinking that this is a Holiday solely for Jesus. When God first revealed this to me, he said "Why do I have to always share with the world?"
I sobbed like a baby. I felt his heart and sadness of betraying him for the world. Now please don't take this as me bashing people for celebrating Christmas. This is not that. I'm just making you aware so that you can make a conscious decision on whether this is truly something you want to continue in. I couldn't, once my mind was renewed in this area, I couldn't turn back. I even tried, I asked others for advice when I knew the right answer. I told my husband well we're not going to do decorations but we can buy gifts. Immediately I felt uneasy and I couldn't rest until I washed my hands of it completely. Now I'm at peace. No tree, no decorations, no gifts and no celebrations. This doesn't mean you can't buy gifts for your loved ones or spend time with them. You can do this any time of the year. This also doesn't mean you can't celebrate Jesus. You can also do this anytime of year. As far as his birthday goes, research says he was born closer to the fall. It doesn't matter though. The Bible never required us to celebrate his birth. We celebrate his death because his sacrifice is what redeemed us from sin. This is the good news that even though we deserve the death penalty for our sin, Jesus took the penalty. He died in our place. Three days later, Jesus rose from death, proving that sin had been conquered.
God commanded the Israelites not to worship him as gentiles worshiped their gods. He called it an abomination. He commanded them not to even think about what those other people did in their worship services to their gods. He told them that people have sacrificed their sons and daughters to these deities. This was horrible. This is the old testament, let's go to the new.
God doesn't want us holding on to the traditions of men. We listen to everyone but God concerning his matters. I don't want you to listen to me. I beg you to read, then go to the source. HIM! If you're not convicted as I was then by all means continue. I just want to enlighten you so that you can go to the source and Inquire if he's pleased with this tradition that has his name tied to it. Be blessed my sisters, my brothers. Please comment, share and subscribe.

When Did It Become Cool To Worship The Devil

 I've been noticing a rise in the "I'm with satan" culture. Many music artists are making videos dressed in satan garb. Ma...