Milk vs. Solid Food
Like newborn infants, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, Milk is the basics of our faith pretty much. You're in the process of building your faith, coming out of the dark into the marvelous light. You're coming from the world (satan's kingdom) and allowing God to transform your thinking by renewing your mind and adopting you into his family (God's kingdom).
Who God is as our Creator.
What Jesus (Yahshua) did on the cross at Calvary.
The Gospel (Good News)
The meaning of sin vs. righteousness.
How to activate your faith.
Strengthening your prayer life.
How to hear from God.
The difference btwn God, Jesus and Holy Spirt (just to name a few)
Solid Food is now living out what you've been taught and building on that foundation. You are no longer bouncing back and forth from the world and Jesus. You have made a conscious decision to give your life as living sacrifice unto God (Rom.12:1,2). You cannot transition over to meat until you're foundation is solid in the basic principles. If you transition to early you can get killed spiritually and cause the same fate for others. Meaning it's easy for your faith to get shattered. Hebrews 5:12 Although by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to reteach you the basic principles of God's word. You need milk, not solid food!
What Paul is saying in this scripture is that they have been under his teachings long enough to be ready to teach others, but he can see through their lifestyle they're not ready. Please don't misunderstand being ready to eat meat (being a mature Christian) has nothing to do with time. By the world systems we are an mature adult at 21. How many mature 21 year olds do you know? Some are and some are not. It's the same in the body of Christ. You can be a believer for 20 yrs and be a milk drinking Christian. It all stems on your growth. Are you stagnant? Growing slowly? Growing fast?
As you Mature you will begin to go to new levels in God. He loves us and wants to reveal his world to us more and more which is our new inherited home. This is where information overload can come in. W.H. Auden says this about information overload "The greatest problem of today is how to teach people to ignore the irrelevant, how to refuse to know things, before they are suffocated. For too many facts are as bad as none at all." Woolfson says: "an excess of information that results in the loss of ability to make decisions, process information expeditiously, and prioritize tasks effectively."
You will definitely develop a hunger for God and his word. This usually involves looking up information on the internet
You have sooo much coming at you at once. Remember the freight train🚄 There are many sources of information and it will certainly feel like drinking from a fire hydrant. This is why we always make sure we NEVER LEAN TO OUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. Proverbs 3:5,6. 5Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. 6In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.There are people on the internet that have no interest in knowing our God or following his word. There are also people who want to please God in every way. Both groups of people may have the same knowledge but distribute it based on their paradigm. This mean they are giving you their view. Remember the only view you should desire is God's view. Any information you receive is secondary. God is Primary. I myself have to constantly remind myself of this because I'm a researcher by design.
When you feel yourself questioning too much take a break. When you feel overwhelmed take a break. There is a lot you need to know in this day and time. This is the premise of this blog. God wants to enlightened his people in these endtimes so we are prepared for whats to come. He is awakening us to a lot of history behind what we thought to be true. There is a vast amount of information that has been kept from us. This is not a race issue either just in case your mind went there😊 We trusted what had been taught in schools and churches which a lot had been watered down or information omitted. The teachers are not to blame, nor are the pastors. Most of them are teaching what they were taught. Now its time to think outside the box because God isn't in a box. God is infinite. What has been omitted God is now bringing it to light because it is valuable information. BUT Please don't allow it to weaken your faith. Allow it to strengthen you by pushing you closer to God. If by any means you ever feel your foundation crumbling STOP AND PRAY!!! THE ENEMY COMES TO STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY. DON'T GIVE HIM VICTORY. Always use wisdom when studying anything spiritual. If you feel an urging to STOP! Then stop reading because it could be that you're not ready for the information. It could be that it's coming from a demonic source.