Winter Solstice
As the Winter Solstice approaches from the Northern Hemisphere the days become shorter and shorter until it reaches the shortest day of the year. On this day the sun stops moving south for three days. On December 25th the sun moves north one degree and they call this the "rebirth of the sun/son" (the day the son of god is born). On December 25th the "sun god" is worshipped still today for those who think this is the just the good ole days. There are many civilizations that worship the sun god but they use different names. Oh yeah💭Semiramis was considered the virgin that birthed a god. Are you tying it together yet? All this was practiced before Jesus came.
Civilizations and their "gods"
Babylonia ------ Semiramis & Nimrod----- Tammuz
Phonecia ------ Isis & Osiris----- Horus
Greece ------ Ashtoreth & Baal ----- Cupid note: Ashtoreth/Ishtar is where Easter originates
Rome ------ Venus & Cupid (Valentine's Day originates)
Greek ------ Zues & Maia------ Hermes
What I've shown above is the Mother god, Father god and son/sun god. If you look at the picture you will some of these names, but my point is that all these gods are the same sun god with different names. They are all celebrated on December 25th during the "rebirth" of the sun. In my next post I will explain all the decorations that go with these festivities.
How does Jesus tie in? 😃 Glad you asked.
Long Long story short, "It was a custom of the heathen to celebrate on the same 25th of December the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity. In these solemnities and festivities the Christians also took part." (Syrian scholiast) Also,Mario Righetti, a renowned Catholic liturgist, writes, "the Church of Rome, to facilitate the acceptance of the faith by the pagan masses, found it convenient to institute the 25th December as the feast of the temporal birth of Christ. In order to gain more Christians by title only they named Dec.25 for the birthdate of Jesus. The Roman Catholic Church established the Madonna and child as the latest manifestation of the Queen of Heaven and her son. The Pagans made no compromises, they didn't need to, they just came and worshipped their new deities because it fitted in nicely with what they already believed. This is not his actual birthday which was done purposely. The Christians fell right in with the pagan worship just like the Israelites were doing all through the Bible. Monkey see Monkey do and now it is the tradition of the world.🌍
In Conclusion
Jesus is not the reason for this season at all. The only difference is that today it is called Christmas instead of Saturnalia. This holiday is centered solely around the worship of the sun. This is still practiced today by the occult. For some reason God's people seem to be the only ones in the dark and/or willing to push God aside to celebrate with the world.
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