I began to feel like Jesus wasn't the "reason for the season". He's not showcased on the commercials. The latest toy, high priced jewelry, expensive cars, etc. But where's Jesus who's supposed to be the reason for all of this. About three years ago God pulled me away from my church of about 15yrs or more. I loved my church and my church family. I cried, I didn't totally understand, but after much prayer my husband and I left. Now I know God did that so that he could pull me aside to teach me what I wouldn't have learned there and lead me to a greater calling. God has taught me so much since then, but so I don't bore you, that will come with future posts:)
Last year I began researching the origin of Christmas because I heard a prophet speak on the Christmas tree. This study went for hours. God taught me so much. I learned that the Christmas tree was from sun-god worship. They were not called Christmas trees at all. Jeremiah 10:2-5 speaks of the tree and decorations for idol worship. This was before Jesus ever came to the earth. They put the trees in their homes celebrating the winter solstice and fertility. The Christmas balls/ornaments represented the testicles of the sun god. The star on the tree represents the sun rays from the sun god. The 12 days of Christmas comes from the 12 days of Saturnalia where they had orgies, became drunk, and sacrificed humans and animals. This lasted for 12 days. I can never think of that song the same way again:(
I will go into more detail in my next blog of what everything tied to Christmas mean. Let's just say Jesus is not at the center of it.

I sobbed like a baby. I felt his heart and sadness of betraying him for the world. Now please don't take this as me bashing people for celebrating Christmas. This is not that. I'm just making you aware so that you can make a conscious decision on whether this is truly something you want to continue in. I couldn't, once my mind was renewed in this area, I couldn't turn back. I even tried, I asked others for advice when I knew the right answer. I told my husband well we're not going to do decorations but we can buy gifts. Immediately I felt uneasy and I couldn't rest until I washed my hands of it completely. Now I'm at peace. No tree, no decorations, no gifts and no celebrations. This doesn't mean you can't buy gifts for your loved ones or spend time with them. You can do this any time of the year. This also doesn't mean you can't celebrate Jesus. You can also do this anytime of year. As far as his birthday goes, research says he was born closer to the fall. It doesn't matter though. The Bible never required us to celebrate his birth. We celebrate his death because his sacrifice is what redeemed us from sin. This is the good news that even though we deserve the death penalty for our sin, Jesus took the penalty. He died in our place. Three days later, Jesus rose from death, proving that sin had been conquered.

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